All Nanotechnology Programs

  • Self Paced

  • Mentor Based

  • Live Industrial Course


Program Id Title Duration Status Register
7 Green Nanotechnology For Industrial Effluent Treatment 1 Month Currently Open Register
8 Fundamentals of Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
9 Concepts of Nano Chemistry, Physics & Bio 1 Month Currently Open Register
10 Profit From Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
11 Nano Materials -Concepts & Fundamentals 1 Month Currently Open Register
12 Nano Structures – Concepts & Fundamentals 1 Month Currently Open Register
13 Carbon Nanotubes- Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
14 Nano – Synthesis & Fabrication 1 Month Currently Open Register
15 Nano -Characterization & Manipulation 1 Month Currently Open Register
16 Bio- Nano – Concepts & Fundamentals 1 Month Currently Open Register
17 Bionano Medical- Technology & Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
18 Tools for measuring Bio- Nano Properties 1 Month Currently Open Register
19 Advance Bio- Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
20 Semicond. Nanostructures & Nanomaterials 1 Month Currently Open Register
21 Nanostructures in Pharmaceuticals 1 Month Currently Open Register
22 Nanobiopharmaceuticals based Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
23 Nanotechnology for Drug delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
24 Bio-Nano pharmaceutical Application 1 Month Currently Open Register
25 Nanomedicine: Future of Disease Management 1 Month Currently Open Register
26 Nanotechnology – Lab Procedure & Safety 1 Month Currently Open Register
27 Kitchen waste to Carbon Nanomaterials 1 Month Currently Open Register
28 Digital Waste to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 1 Month Currently Open Register
29 Thermal Power Plant Waste to Rare Earth Elements 1 Month Currently Open Register
30 Zinc Smelter Waste to Iron and Zinc Nanoparticles 1 Month Currently Open Register
31 Nanotechnology in Optoelectronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
38 Concepts of Anti-Microbial Coatings 1 Month Currently Open Register
39 Concepts & Fundamentals of Solar Paints 1 Month Currently Open Register
40 Smart Concretes 1 Month Currently Open Register
41 Smart Sensors for Buildings 1 Month Currently Open Register
43 Nanotechnology for Flexible Electronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
44 Nanomaterials for Automobiles 1 Month Currently Open Register
55 Waste to Nano-material Production & Industrial Certification 3 Months Currently Open Register
56 Waste Water Remediation using Polymer Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
57 Nanosensitization Program 3 Months Currently Open Register
58 Silicon Nanostructures and Carbon Nanotubes based Nanoelectronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
59 Integrated Program in Nanotechnology 3 Months Currently Open Register
60 Industry Program In Nanotechnology 3 Months Currently Open Register
62 Nano pharmaceuticals & It’s Industrial Applications 3 Months Currently Open Register
63 Nano-pharmaceuticals and its Efficacy in Drug Delivery 3 Months Currently Open Register
64 Bionanotechnoloy & Its Medical Applications 3 Months Currently Open Register
67 Silicon Nanostructures and Carbon Nanotubes based Nano electronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
68 Nanoelectronics and Its Industrial Applications Program 3 Months Currently Open Register
70 Scientific & Technical Writing Workshop 1 Month Currently Open Register
71 Kitchen Waste To Quantum Dot Synthesis 1 Month Currently Open Register
72 Industrial Effluent Treatment Program 1 Month Currently Open Register
73 Carbon Nanoparticles For Antimicrobial & Cytotoxicity Efficacy 1 Month Currently Open Register
74 Hydrogel Nanocomposites For Biomedical Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
75 Green Nanoparticles: Application To Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
77 Nanogels and their Biomedical Applications Workshop 1 Month Currently Open Register
79 Colorimetric Nanosensors For Detection Of Industrial & Environmental Pollutants, And Pathogenic Biomarkers: The Nano-Eye Approach 1 Month Currently Open Register
86 Quantum Dots: Their Biological and Sensor Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
87 Nanoparticles based Electrochemical Sensors Workshop 1 Month Currently Open Register
97 Synthesis of Carbon Dots from Kitchen Waste 1 Month Currently Open Register
106 Green Hydrogen: Powering Industries Towards Net-Zero Emissions 1 Month Currently Open Register
113 Plant Mediated Green Synthesis of Metal Based Nanoparticles: Biocompatibility, Applications and Challenges 1 Month Currently Open Register
115 Foundations of Biomedical Sciences in Clinical Research 1 Month Currently Open Register
126 Designing Nanoparticles for Targeted Cancer Therapy 1 Month Currently Open Register
135 Nanoreactors: Theoretical Aspects, Design and Diverse Applications Program 1 Month Currently Open Register
136 Nanoantibiotics: Applications and Future Trends 1 Month Currently Open Register
137 NANOmedX: Future of Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
144 Synthesis of Inorganic Encapsulation Containers for Various Industrial Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
153 Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and their Biomedical Applications Currently Open Register
163 NanoBioTech Program: Integrating Biosensors and Nanotechnology for Advanced Diagnostics 1 Month Currently Open Register
166 Carbon Nanotubes and Micro Needles : Novel Approach for Drug Delivery Systems 1 Month Currently Open Register
171 Nano materials in Medicine: Shaping the Future of Implant Technology 1 Month Currently Open Register
186 Introductory Program In Nanotechnology Currently Open Register
190 Nanopharmaceuticals & Its Industrial Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
191 Nanopharmaceuticals and its Efficacy in Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
192 Bionanotechnology & Its Medical Applications 3 Months Currently Open Register
42 Nanotechnology for Spintronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
281 Nanorevolution in Oil Recovery: Transforming Industrial Applications With Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
284 Flight Revolution: Nanotechnology’s Impact on Aerospace 1 Month Currently Open Register
293 Nanoemulsions in FMCG: Transforming Pharmaceuticals, Food, and Personal Care 1 Month Currently Open Register
299 Advanced Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy 3 Months Currently Open Register

Self Paced


Program Id Title Duration Status Register
7 Green Nanotechnology For Industrial Effluent Treatment 1 Month Currently Open Register
8 Fundamentals of Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
9 Concepts of Nano Chemistry, Physics & Bio 1 Month Currently Open Register
10 Profit From Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
11 Nano Materials -Concepts & Fundamentals 1 Month Currently Open Register
12 Nano Structures – Concepts & Fundamentals 1 Month Currently Open Register
13 Carbon Nanotubes- Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
14 Nano – Synthesis & Fabrication 1 Month Currently Open Register
15 Nano -Characterization & Manipulation 1 Month Currently Open Register
16 Bio- Nano – Concepts & Fundamentals 1 Month Currently Open Register
17 Bionano Medical- Technology & Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
18 Tools for measuring Bio- Nano Properties 1 Month Currently Open Register
19 Advance Bio- Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
20 Semicond. Nanostructures & Nanomaterials 1 Month Currently Open Register
21 Nanostructures in Pharmaceuticals 1 Month Currently Open Register
22 Nanobiopharmaceuticals based Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
23 Nanotechnology for Drug delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
24 Bio-Nano pharmaceutical Application 1 Month Currently Open Register
25 Nanomedicine: Future of Disease Management 1 Month Currently Open Register
26 Nanotechnology – Lab Procedure & Safety 1 Month Currently Open Register
27 Kitchen waste to Carbon Nanomaterials 1 Month Currently Open Register
28 Digital Waste to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 1 Month Currently Open Register
29 Thermal Power Plant Waste to Rare Earth Elements 1 Month Currently Open Register
30 Zinc Smelter Waste to Iron and Zinc Nanoparticles 1 Month Currently Open Register
31 Nanotechnology in Optoelectronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
38 Concepts of Anti-Microbial Coatings 1 Month Currently Open Register
39 Concepts & Fundamentals of Solar Paints 1 Month Currently Open Register
40 Smart Concretes 1 Month Currently Open Register
41 Smart Sensors for Buildings 1 Month Currently Open Register
43 Nanotechnology for Flexible Electronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
44 Nanomaterials for Automobiles 1 Month Currently Open Register
55 Waste to Nano-material Production & Industrial Certification 3 Months Currently Open Register
56 Waste Water Remediation using Polymer Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
57 Nanosensitization Program 3 Months Currently Open Register
58 Silicon Nanostructures and Carbon Nanotubes based Nanoelectronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
59 Integrated Program in Nanotechnology 3 Months Currently Open Register
60 Industry Program In Nanotechnology 3 Months Currently Open Register
62 Nano pharmaceuticals & It’s Industrial Applications 3 Months Currently Open Register
63 Nano-pharmaceuticals and its Efficacy in Drug Delivery 3 Months Currently Open Register
64 Bionanotechnoloy & Its Medical Applications 3 Months Currently Open Register
67 Silicon Nanostructures and Carbon Nanotubes based Nano electronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
68 Nanoelectronics and Its Industrial Applications Program 3 Months Currently Open Register
70 Scientific & Technical Writing Workshop 1 Month Currently Open Register
71 Kitchen Waste To Quantum Dot Synthesis 1 Month Currently Open Register
72 Industrial Effluent Treatment Program 1 Month Currently Open Register
73 Carbon Nanoparticles For Antimicrobial & Cytotoxicity Efficacy 1 Month Currently Open Register
74 Hydrogel Nanocomposites For Biomedical Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
75 Green Nanoparticles: Application To Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
77 Nanogels and their Biomedical Applications Workshop 1 Month Currently Open Register
79 Colorimetric Nanosensors For Detection Of Industrial & Environmental Pollutants, And Pathogenic Biomarkers: The Nano-Eye Approach 1 Month Currently Open Register
86 Quantum Dots: Their Biological and Sensor Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
87 Nanoparticles based Electrochemical Sensors Workshop 1 Month Currently Open Register
97 Synthesis of Carbon Dots from Kitchen Waste 1 Month Currently Open Register
106 Green Hydrogen: Powering Industries Towards Net-Zero Emissions 1 Month Currently Open Register
113 Plant Mediated Green Synthesis of Metal Based Nanoparticles: Biocompatibility, Applications and Challenges 1 Month Currently Open Register
115 Foundations of Biomedical Sciences in Clinical Research 1 Month Currently Open Register
126 Designing Nanoparticles for Targeted Cancer Therapy 1 Month Currently Open Register
135 Nanoreactors: Theoretical Aspects, Design and Diverse Applications Program 1 Month Currently Open Register
136 Nanoantibiotics: Applications and Future Trends 1 Month Currently Open Register
137 NANOmedX: Future of Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
144 Synthesis of Inorganic Encapsulation Containers for Various Industrial Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
153 Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and their Biomedical Applications Currently Open Register
163 NanoBioTech Program: Integrating Biosensors and Nanotechnology for Advanced Diagnostics 1 Month Currently Open Register
166 Carbon Nanotubes and Micro Needles : Novel Approach for Drug Delivery Systems 1 Month Currently Open Register
171 Nano materials in Medicine: Shaping the Future of Implant Technology 1 Month Currently Open Register
186 Introductory Program In Nanotechnology Currently Open Register
190 Nanopharmaceuticals & Its Industrial Applications 1 Month Currently Open Register
191 Nanopharmaceuticals and its Efficacy in Drug Delivery 1 Month Currently Open Register
192 Bionanotechnology & Its Medical Applications 3 Months Currently Open Register
42 Nanotechnology for Spintronics 1 Month Currently Open Register
281 Nanorevolution in Oil Recovery: Transforming Industrial Applications With Nanotechnology 1 Month Currently Open Register
284 Flight Revolution: Nanotechnology’s Impact on Aerospace 1 Month Currently Open Register
293 Nanoemulsions in FMCG: Transforming Pharmaceuticals, Food, and Personal Care 1 Month Currently Open Register
299 Advanced Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy 3 Months Currently Open Register

Mentor Based


Live Industrial Course

Coming Soon…