
Nanotechnology for  Civil and Construction Industry

Nanotechnology has the potential to significantly alter material properties, resulting in better performance and novel usefulness.

In the building sector, nanotechnology offers a wide range of uses. Nanotechnology has the potential to improve the primary properties of traditional construction materials (e.g. concrete), add functionality to existing materials (e.g. paints/coatings or glass could gain self-cleaning, antimicrobial, and pollution-reducing properties), and introduce ‘‘new" materials to meet existing needs.

Concrete enhancement

The use of nanoparticles in cementitious materials can help to increase structural efficiency, durability, and strength, as well as the quality and lifetime of constructions. The usage of nanoscale industrial waste-based cement substitutes can help to minimise CO2 emissions from concrete production.

Structure stability

Structure stability can be achieved using nanotechnology by analysing a variety of measurements from sensors such as displacement transducers, accelerometers, strain gauges, and temperature sensors, which provide an array of real-time data that can be continuously monitored from a central location to provide detailed insight into the state of a structure.


Because of the surfaces' superhydrophobicity, only a small amount of water is required to create a very thin, continuous film using nanomaterials, resulting in surfaces that can reduce air conditioner use and associated energy consumption, as well as reduce heat island phenomena common in cities and urban areas.


Arising nanotechnology-based MEMS sensors have additionally further developed capacities and sensitivities. MEMS sensors can either be surface mounted or installed in substantial construction itself and the sensors can be utilized for nonstop estimation and  checking of the strain in structures.

Smart concretes

The incorporation of nanoparticles to concrete creates smart concrete that meets the needs of structural sensors. They can detect a wide range of stresses/strains and the response is reversible with no detrimental impact on structural parameters like compressive strength, flexural strength, or ductility.

Antimicrobial surfaces

Antimicrobial nanoparticles in the form of antimicrobial coatings can prevent ‘‘sick building syndrome," in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, and ‘‘building related illness," in which illnesses are attributed directly to airborne building contaminants.

Super-hydrophobic surfaces

Self-cleaning hydrophobic paints have the potential to save money in the construction industry by lowering maintenance costs for building walls and facades. Hydrophobic coatings can also be used to limit the buildup of snow and prevent the formation of ice on solid surfaces, which could be useful on roadways and windows in areas where the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius.

Super-hydrophilic surfaces

Antimicrobial nanoparticles in the form of antimicrobial coatings can prevent ‘‘sick building syndrome," in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, and ‘‘building related illness," in which illnesses are attributed directly to airborne building contaminants.

Solar paints

Self-cleaning hydrophobic paints have the potential to save money in the construction industry by lowering maintenance costs for building walls and facades. Hydrophobic coatings can also be used to limit the buildup of snow and prevent the formation of ice on solid surfaces, which could be useful on roadways and windows in areas where the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius.

Here are the Job Opportunities

Research Scientist (Physical Sciences)

Materials Engineer

Civil Engineering Technologist

Process/Product Development Scientist

Structural Engineer

Sustainability Consultant


Architectural Technologist

Building Service Engineers

How Nanotechnology Is Bringing Change

super-hydrophobic surface developed by NSTC

The thoughts and ideas driving Nano Science and nanotechnology began with a discussion named "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" by physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting at the California Institute of Technology on December 29, 1959, some time before the term nanotechnology was utilized.

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Latest Research topics in Civil And Constructional sector

The latest trend in civil engineering is more about Smart Material, Sustainable Construction, and Energy Efficient Structures and thus, redefining their roles as Innovators.

Buildings with New Passive Cooling

With an unnatural weather change kicking in and rising ocean levels uprooting millions to bone-dry districts, there should be significantly more cooling of structures.



Various technology infused concrete for next gen construction like Green concrete, Ultra high performance concrete, Electronically conductive concrete, Ultra (light and) high strength concrete, Eco-friendly concrete,  Fiber introduction in concrete, etc.



Steel characteristics can be improved by the use of nanotechnology. By utilizing nanoparticles, fatigue that leads to structural failure of steel due to cyclic loads, such as in bridges or towers, can be avoided.

Fire-resistant glass

Nanomaterials like SiO2, Carbon Nano Tubes and Aluminum oxide are generally utilized as fire retardant materials to secure the surfaces like metal, wood, plastic and concrete from the effect of high temperature.


The development of fuel cells and photovoltaic panels is the most promising application in the areas of energy and environment leading to sustainable building. Plastic solar cells have been the subject of a lot of research in recent years.

Sustainable Construction

Diverse nanomaterials used to deliver proficient and feasible development materials are Silica and Nano clays, Nano Iron (Fe2O3), Nano Alumina Al2O3, CuO, Zinc Oxides, and Titanium Oxides. Varieties of these essential materials are created and utilized broadly.

Benefits of Learning about  Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is one of the most stimulating frontiers in medicine, renewable energy, and agribusiness. According to Research and Markets, the global nanotechnology industry might be worth around $174 billion by 2025, after expanding at an 18.1 percent compound annual growth rate between 2016 and 2025. Its emerging applications in the three businesses indicated above, as well as a slew of others, could bolster essential interest in linked developments, allowing for a variety of positions along the way.

Each Courses and its Modules are selectively developed to give best of real life and market knowledge.

  • Focused Courses

  • Well Researched Modules

  • Latest Knowledge

  • Industry & Skill Orientation

Essential Takeaways for Civil Engineering students:

  • B. Tech students to have insights on what are the latest developments across globe
  • M. Tech students can find interesting Research topics to work and solve Civil / construction Industrial challenges
  • Researchers can find better ways to handle mission critical research and develop path breaking products.
  • Opportunity to write and Publish Research Project and Get Live Industry relevant challenges to work on.

Course Benefits:

Learn directly from experts

Ideal for Major/ Minor projects and dissertation

Self-Study Course Material.

Prepare Live Projects

Get to know real-time environmental Issues

Award Of Statement Of Marks

Learn the smarter way from home

Independent knowledge enhancement

Award Of Certificate

Note: Beneficiaries

  • Under-Graduates (B. Sc., B.Tech., B.E) 
  • Post- Graduates (M. Sc., M. Tech, M.E)
  • Industrial people/ Researchers/ Academicians

Streams: Civil, Architecture, Physics, Chemistry, Nanoscience & Technology, Materials Science, Metallurgy, Textile, Polymer, Chemical.

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Want to know more Projects ?

The Featured Projects

Project customized specially for civil engineering stakeholders who wish to upgrade their skills as per industry

  • Synthesis of different kinds of Ferro fluids (magnetic nanoparticles).
  • Formulation of resin based Graphene coatings for anti corrosion applications
  • Synthesis of Ferro-fluids and determining their electrical properties.
  • Characteristic study of Tio2 based thin films and nanodispersions for photocatalytic applications.
  • To prepare hydrophobic coatings using anon silica for enhancing mechanical properties of the surface
  • Study of electrical conductivity of Graphene nanoplatelets
  • Study of transmittance and reflectance properties of nano zirconia for solar cell applications
  • Synthesis of polymer coated Nanomaterials for specific applications

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The Program Nanotechnology in Waste to Nano-material Production & Industrial Certification is an advanced program meant to enhance the knowledge base of participants in the area of production of Nano-material from various waste products.

Nanotechnology In Renewable Energy

This program aims to shine light on the third generation solar cells, as it is the only renewable form of energy which encompasses the use of nanotechnology. Here we shall discuss in detail how nanotechnology is used in third generation solar cells, their individual components, fabrication strategies, and their future.


The most of the innovation and funding in Nanotechnology research came from Electronics giants. Manufacturing and marketing of Nano gadgets started from the computers and mobiles which are the only machines made at Nano scale that were available economically.