User Registration Details

Pid FullName Name of Institute Country/State Profession Designation Department Area Of Interest
262 Assoc. Prof. Terry-Elinor Reid
[email protected]
Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy United States/() Academician School of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences Computational Chemistry
262 Mr. Claudio Díaz García
[email protected]
Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (IRYCIS) Spain/() Student Predoctoral researcher Infectious Diseases Bioinformatics, microbiome, and HIV
277 Mr. Bashar Musallam
[email protected]
N/A Jordan/() Student N/A N/A Molecular Biotechnology, Cell Culture and Cytology, and Bioinformatics
262 Dr. Francesco Secundo
[email protected]
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chmiche Italy/() Academician Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chmiche "Giulio Natta" Consiglio Nazionale delle RIcerche PRotein COnformation
268 Assoc. Prof. Zuhaib Khan
[email protected]
University of Brighton United Kingdom/() Academician Senior Lecturer Engineering AI/6G
276 Mr. Harish Kumar
[email protected]
PSG College of Technology India/(Tamil Nadu) Student Master of technology Nanoscience and technology Thin film fabrication
262 Ms. Liz Maria Luke
[email protected]
Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Phd Student Microbiology Characterisation of Small Proteins
276 Dr. Dr.Sheetal Goenka
[email protected]
G.B.Pant Hospital India/(Delhi) Academician Senior resident Microbiology Diagnostic part
182 Dr. Roberta Biccheri
[email protected]
IZSUM Italy/() Industry Professional lab technician molecular virology NGS data
262 Ms. Virginie MALARD
[email protected]
CBM - CNRS France/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher CBM Equipe AMV Peptides - protein
276 Ms. Aarthi Rekha Devarajan
[email protected]
UAEU India/(Tamil Nadu) Phd Scholar/ Researcher RA Biology Nanomedicine
262 Dr. Antonio Mauceri
[email protected]
University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria Italy/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher University AGRARIA Genetic
267 Dr. Carla Calabrese
[email protected]
National Research Council (CNR-ISMN) Italy/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Researcher ISMN-CNR Green chemistry
267 Dr. Leonarda Francesca LIOTTA
[email protected]
Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials-CNR Italy/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Director of Research ISMN-CNR CO2 reduction, biomass conversion, bio and e-fuels
262 Dr. Maria Agatha Bastida
[email protected]
CSIC-IQOG Spain/() Academician IQOG, CSIC Quimica Bioorganica Biocatalyst, drug design, biotecnology
262 Ms. Sıla Berfin Çakır
[email protected]
Middle East Technical University Turkey/() Student Student Biology Bioinformatics
262 Dr. Shani Bekker
[email protected]
Mintek South Africa/() Academician Senior Scientist Advanced Materials Division Diagnostics
262 Ms. Deevanshi Walia
[email protected]
Hochschule Anhalt India/(Delhi) Student Student Molecular Biotechnology Biotech
262 Dr. Asiat Na'Allah
[email protected]
Kwara State University Nigeria/() Academician Senior Lecturer Biochemistry Medicinal Chemistry
262 Mr. Sivakumar G
[email protected]
KMCH College of Pharmacy India/(Tamil Nadu) Academician Asst. Professor Pharmacology Drug designing, Screening and clinical pharmacology
[email protected]
Garden City University India/(Karnataka) Student Student Bioinformatics Bioinformatics
262 Mr. Abdullah Al Mamun
[email protected]
Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Bangladesh/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Scientific Officer Institute of Technology Transfer and Innovation Computer Aided Drug Design
262 Mr. Wenkang Shang
[email protected]
University of Freiburg, ZBMZ Germany/() Student Faculty of Medicine Institut für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie mRNA
267 Dr. Raquel Cañadas
[email protected]
Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT ) Spain/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Researcher Department of Energy Biorefinery and biomass conversion
262 Mr. Bismark Donkor
[email protected]
University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. Ghana/() Student MPhil Infection & Immunity Dept. Microbiology & Immunology Genomics, bioinformatics & Immunology