User Registration Details

Pid FullName Name of Institute Country/State Profession Designation Department Area Of Interest
262 Dr. Sara Pérez Polo
[email protected]
IIM-CSIC Spain/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher PL Patobiology Proteomics
262 Mr. Juan Mendez
[email protected]
Universidad Icesi Colombia/() Student N/A Chemistry Department Computacional Chemistry
262 Ms. Jessica Grube
[email protected]
TU Braunschweig Germany/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Scientific assistant Microbiology Prediction of Protein Structure Using AlphaFold
264 Ms. Mayuri Kadam
[email protected]
Ramnarain ruia college India/(Maharashtra) Student 3year Bioanalytical science Biotechnology, Bioanalytical science, bioinformatics
[email protected]
Universidad de Extremadura Spain/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Postdoct Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Genetica. Neurosciences
262 Ms. Pamela GUERILLOT
[email protected]
University of Orléans - CBM, CNRS France/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Center of Molecular Biophysics Exobiology group Bioinformatics
262 Ms. Oumayma EL OMARI
[email protected]
Um5 Morocco/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Epidemiology Nutrition et santé mère enfant Epidemiology
262 Mr. Kyle Phillips
[email protected]
University of Liverpool United Kingdom/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher PhD Student Chemistry Protein Crystallisation
276 Ms. Dharshika Sugumaran
[email protected]
University of Sri Jayewardenepura Austria/() Student Undergraduate Department of Biosystems Technology Nanotechnology
262 Dr. Peng Bao
[email protected]
University of Liverpool United Kingdom/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher PDRA Chemistry Surface science, biofilm,
262 Dr. Dragan Perovic
[email protected]
JKI Germany/() Academician MGCG RS Plant genetics
262 Ms. Krithika Unmesh
[email protected]
Technical University of Berlin India/(Kerala) Phd Scholar/ Researcher Ms. Chemistry Computational Chemistry
262 Assoc. Prof. Flaviana Di Lorenzo
[email protected]
University of Naples Federico II Italy/() Academician Prof Dept of chemical sciences glycans
268 Dr. Musa Dahiru idris
[email protected]
Binyaminu usaman poly Iceland/() Student Computer science Computer science City
262 Ms. Qingyin Pu
[email protected]
TU Dresden Germany/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Technical Biochemistry FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY AND FOOD CHEMISTRY Natural Products and biosynthesis
Mr. Safari Daniel
[email protected]
Alexandra medical center Uganda/() Industry Professional Medical laboratory scientist Molecular medicine Molecular medicine
262 Dr. Dietmar Krautwurst
[email protected]
Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich Germany/() Academician Principal Investigator Metabolic Function, Chemoreception & Biosignals Molecular Chemoreception, GPCR, olfaction, taste, primary blood cells
262 Ms. Pooja GOUDA
[email protected]
KLE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY HUBLI DHARWADH KARNATAKA INDIA India/(Karnataka) Academician Assistant Professor Pharmaceutical chemistrty SYNTHESIS-MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
262 Dr. Peicho Petkov
[email protected]
University of Sofia Bulgaria/() Academician Atomic Physics Faculty of Physics Molecular Modeling
262 Mr. Tao-chuan Shih
[email protected]
National Taipei University of Technology Taiwan/() Student Phd Student Department of computer sceince and engineering Antigen and antibody study
[email protected]
KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubballi India/(Karnataka) Academician Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice Pharmaceutical Research
268 Dr. Ghulam Murtaza
[email protected]
NUML University, Islamabad Pakistan/() Academician Assistant professor Mathematics Cryptography, AI, Machine learning
262 Asst. Prof. Maysoon Al Zubairy
[email protected]
Faculty of Science, Sana’a University Yemen/() Academician Assistant Professor Biological Sciences Microbial Physiology and Metabolism
262 Mr. Progress Dube
[email protected]
Great Zimbabwe University Zimbabwe/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Lecturer Biomedical Science Use of AI in chemoinformatics
262 Dr. Dayana B M
[email protected]
KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubli India/(Andhra Pradesh) Academician Assistant professor Pharmacy Practice Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacology, Biopharmaceutics, Toxicology