User Registration Details

Pid FullName Name of Institute Country/State Profession Designation Department Area Of Interest
Dr. Mohammed Abohashrh
[email protected]
King Khalid university Saudi Arabia/() Dr basic medical sciences Bioinformatics
Dr. Julio Pow-Sang
[email protected]
Moffitt Cancer Center United States/() Cancer Center Uro-Oncology Uro-Oncology
Dr. Ashish Tyagi
[email protected]
Ashish Tyagi United States/() Research assitant Professor Department of Pharmacy Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology
Mr. Moussa Bamba KANOUTE
[email protected]
Moussa Bamba KANOUTE Mali/() PhD fellow Malaria clinical Lab/corp_lab Bioinformatics molecular biology/ deseasse and drug target
Assoc. Prof. silvia cetrullo
[email protected]
University of Bologna Italy/() Associate professor Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences Biochemistry
Ms. Leticia Angelica Barraza
[email protected]
School of Medicine and Health Sciencie TEC Monterrey Mexico/() phD student. Cancer Research Medicine Sequencing data analysis
Ms. Alaa El-Minisy
[email protected]
ALAA Mohamed Elsaeed ELMINISY Egypt/() Assistant researcher Plant Biotechnology Plant biotechnology
Dr. Sunita Singh
[email protected]
University of North Carolina United States/() Grad student Education Biology Education
Dr. Shreya Das
CEPT University India/() Tutor Faculty of Planning Architecture, Sustainable Urban Development, Wellness design in built environment
Dr. Serena Tumino
[email protected]
University of Catania Italy/() UNICT Di3A genomics - gene expression
Dr. Shreya Das
[email protected]
CEPT University India/() Studio Tutor Faculty of Planning Architecture, Social Sustainability
Mr. Ravinandan A P
[email protected]
Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy, India/() Assistant Professor Pharmacy Practice Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Research, Research Methodology, Hospital Accreditation
Dr. Jia-Cheng Lee
[email protected]
Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taiwan/() Medical Physicist Oncology Radiotherapy
[email protected]
School of Planning and Architecture,vVijayawada India/() Asst Professor Architecture Energy efficiency in Buildings, Adaptive thermal comfort, Traditional Architecture, Construction Management
[email protected]
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport Egypt/() Assistant Lecturer Construction and Building Department Circular Economy in Construction and Demolition Waste Sector
Dr. Andrea Rocca
[email protected]
University of Trieste Italy/() MD Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences Cancer research
Dr. Katarzyna Szamotulska
[email protected]
Katarzyna Szamotulska Poland/() Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics epidemiology (including genetic epidemiology), biostatistics
Dr. monal patel
[email protected]
monal patel Belgium/() Researcher electronics PYTHON
Dr. Giacomo Sferruzza
[email protected]
San Raffaele University Italy/() PhD student Neurology Neuro-oncology
Mr. Oluwatomide Ariyo
[email protected]
Oluwatomide WILLIAMS Ariyo United States/() student Poultry Science Gene expression analysis
Ms. Josephine Kwakye
[email protected]
University of Georgia United States/() Graduate Research Assistant Poultry Science Gene Expression Analysis using R-programming
Ms. Gilda Maria Ida Marsicano
[email protected]
Polytechnic of Milan Italy/() Material science engineering and Nanotechnology Chemical and Material engineering nanoscience
Dr. Mohammed Khaled
[email protected]
Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany/() Postdoc Institute of Biological Information Processing (IBI-7) Computational biochemistry
Dr. Erick Ondari
[email protected]
Kisii Uniersity Kenya/() Senior Lecturer & HoD Biological Sciences BioNanotechnology
Asst. Prof. Khalid Abd El Ghany
[email protected]
Egyption drug authority Egypt/() Assitant professor Microbiology - Microbial biotechnology Microbial biotechnology.. Genetics. Probiotics