User Registration Details

Pid FullName Name of Institute Country/State Profession Designation Department Area Of Interest
156 Dr. Fábio de Moraes
[email protected]
State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP) Brazil/() Academician Research Assistant Physics Department Protein Science, Metabolomics
156 Mr. Robbi Miguel Falcon
[email protected]
University of the Philippines Manila Philippines/() Student MD-PhD (Molecular Medicine) Student Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Mycology; Phylogenetics; Immunology
153 Assoc. Prof. Carmen Martin
[email protected]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Carmen Martin Departamento Genética, Fisiología y Microbiología Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles
156 Dr. Juliana de Oliveira Carneiro Brum
[email protected]
UFJF Brazil/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Dra DESA Organic Chemistry
[email protected]
Tatyasaheb Kore College Of Pharmacy Warananagar India/(Maharashtra) Academician Assistant Professor Pharma Chemistry Research
156 Mr. Antonio Lorenzo Ong
[email protected]
University of the Philippines Philippines/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher MD-PhD Student Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Molecular medicine, nanotechnology, microbiology, virology
156 Dr. Thirumoorthy Krishnan
[email protected]
Vellore Institute of Technoloy India/(Tamil Nadu) Academician Associate Professor Chemistry Computational Biophysical Chemistry
[email protected]
university of Ioannina Greece/() Student physical sciences chemistry chemistry
156 Ms. Fernanda Botelho
[email protected]
Military Institute of Engineering Brazil/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Doctoral student Chemistry department Moleculae modelling, chemical defense
156 Mr. Fredrick Kebaso
[email protected]
International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Kenya/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Bioinformatician Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Unit (MBBU) Bioinformatics
153 Ms. Sneha Susan Mathew
[email protected]
University of Brunei Darussalam India/(Kerala) Phd Scholar/ Researcher PhD student Biotechnology Nanoscience
153 Assoc. Prof. Insa Seck
[email protected]
Cheikh Anta Diop University Senegal/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher PhD Chemistry Organic chemistry
153 Mr. Feunaing Toko Roméo
[email protected]
University of Ngaoundéré-Cameroon Cameroon/() Student Student Department of Chemistry Cameroon
156 Mr. Carlos García
[email protected]
USAL Spain/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León Lab 12 Bioinformatic
156 Mr. Deepak Gulwani
[email protected]
All India Institute of Medical Sciences India/(Delhi) Phd Scholar/ Researcher PhD Scholar Medical Oncology Thyroid Cancer
156 Ms. Swathy K
[email protected]
University of Kerala India/(Kerala) Phd Scholar/ Researcher Research scholar Computational biology and Bioinformatics Protein interaction, modelling, drug discovery
154 Mr. Jimmy Kabeya
[email protected]
University of Kinshasa DRC Congo/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Pharmacy Pharmacognosy Kinshasa
153 Dr. Asif Kamal
[email protected]
Quaid-i-Azam University islamabad Pakistan Pakistan/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Phd Plant sciences Nanotechnology
153 Mr. P Umashankar
[email protected]
Mahindra University India/(Telangana) Phd Scholar/ Researcher PhD scholar Lifesciences Drug delivery systems
156 Prof. Chatchai Tayapiwatana
[email protected]
Chiang Mai University Thailand/() Academician Professor Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences Antibody modeling and affinity improvement
155 Mr. Amit Rai
[email protected]
[email protected] India/(Andhra Pradesh) Student Manager IT Web
156 Dr. Beatrice Casini
[email protected]
University of Genoa Italy/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Research Departement of Pharmacy Molecular modelling
156 Mr. Michael Roy Malaluan
[email protected]
University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine Philippines/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher MD-PhD student College of Medicine Molecular psychiatry, Microbiology, Neuroscience
155 Ms. monika devi
[email protected]
CU India/(Andhra Pradesh) Industry Professional drfgserg gfserg regt
156 Ms. Arya V V
[email protected]
Department of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics India/(Kerala) Phd Scholar/ Researcher Research Scholar Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Drug Designing