School Courses
Curious Minds (Age 09-10 )
It is the beginner level Nanotechnology Program designed for children of 09 years and above to train them with the basic aspects of Nanoscience.
Inquisitive Minds (Age 10-11)
It is the beginner level Nanotechnology Program designed for children of 10 years and above to provide understanding of the concept of size, scale and range of Nano materials.
Sharp Brains (Age 11-12)
It is the beginner level Nanotechnology Program designed for children of 11 years and above to train them with Nano structures in nature around ourselves.
Cool Scientists (Age 13-14)
It is the beginner level Nanotechnology Program designed for children to make them understand the threats posed to environment, and various methods to prevent its depletion.
Success Rankers (Age 14-15)
It is the mid-level Nanotechnology Program designed for children of 14 years and above to train them about the origin of this exciting science for greater understanding.
Great Achievers (Age 15-16)
It is the mid-level Nanotechnology Program designed for children of 15 years and above to understand the applied nature of Nanoscience and its research aspect.