
One platform for all Enthusiastic learners , Instructors & Industries

......this platform is highly recommended for those who wish to learn and implement new technology based solution either as a project or as a solution.  

Discover how your knowledge & Experience can make a difference

You can sign up for this premium platform if you have the necessary competence in any research or non-research area of study, the willingness to serve as a consultant to researchers and industries, and the time and energy to devote beyond your regular faculty obligations.

Discover how NSTC can make a difference with your company

You may register your organization on our platform if you want your project to progress forward and need to enhance your skill set and knowledge base. Even if you have a strong in-house team, contacting a research specialist can propel your project forward and save you months or years of development time for your new product.

Convert your discovery into a well commercialized product with NSTC

Simply having a patent does not ensure that a product or procedure will be successful commercially. The innovator must constantly make one push in order for the demand for the patented innovation to soar. For the innovator, every innovation is priceless and valuable. When an innovation begins to bring in money, one may fully benefit from it.

Become an Excelsior member & help shape the voice of the industry & academia.

NSTC platform gives their Members an opportunity to join and create associations, making them tremendous networking opportunities for members who want to grow and ties with clients or colleagues in their industry, or make long-term beneficial connections.

Discover how NSTC make a difference in your profile

Real project-based learning is focused on preparing students to deal with scenarios that are simulated from the real world. Students construct new learning around their interests, passions, and careers while learning by doing what they already know. They frequently discover new interests, passions, and preferences for occupations. To learn more, follow the link below.

Know How to Register

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

Step 1.

Click on the tab (as per your Interest among participant, mentor, corporates or patent commercialization) and register yourself by clicking on "Register"

Step 2.

Fill all the required details in the form. E.g.., Name, email, contact no.

 Now set a password as per norms.

Step 3.

Now login again using your password to access the dashboard. Complete your remaining profile for any further opportunities or notifications.

Step 4.

Hurray ! You are successfully registered to Nanotechnology Platform. Get access to all latest news,  notification and proposals regarding training programs, projects, webinar, seminars and workshops.