About Dr. D K Choudhary

Name: Dr. D K Choudhary
Email: | Ph. 9571826246
Status: Accepted
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D K Choudhary, PhD
Member-National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)
Research area: Molecular Microbial Ecology

• In the year 2022 got place in Top2% World Scientists list reported by Stanford University
• Also Included in the Top2% World Scientists list in the year 2019-2020

• Inclusion in Top Most Cited Authors Globally (Reported by Stanford University)

Associate Guest Editor for Journal Frontiers in Microbiology (impact factor 6.064) two volumes to be compiled on:
• Microbiomics in Food Security: Paradigm Shift in Omics
URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/44615/microbiomics-in-food-security-paradigm-shift-in-omics
• Cllimate Impact on Plant Holobiont: Mitigation Strategies and Sustenance
URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/32075/climate-impact-on-plant-holobiont-mitigation-strategies-and-sustenance

Salient glimpses at a glance:
• Projects operated (sponsored by DBT/DST/SERB) with worth: more than 10.06 million INR
• Number of Ph.D. supervised: Awarded 11 & 5 pursuing
• Total number of publications: 120 wherein 110 as first and corresponding author
• Citations (Google Scholar): 3575
• ‘H’ index: 30 (Google Scholar)
• ‘i10 index: 57 (Google Scholar)
• Number of Book edited for SpringerNature : published 15
& 5 accepted for CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) & 1 accepted for Elsevier
• Number of patents filed : 05 wherein one granted
• Recipient of National Academy of Sciences (NASI)-membership Award in 2016
• Recipient of Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Visiting Fellowship Award in 2014
• Recipient of INSA summer research fellowship for teachers Award in 2014
• Recipient of Dr. R.S. Rana Memorial Award through AMI
• Provide Expert Advice & Evaluation of National Award Programme -NRDC (DSIR), Govt. of India
• Provide Expert Advice& Evaluation of Research Proposal-SERB (DST), Govt. of India


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