
Silicon Nanostructures and Carbon Nanotubes based Nanoelectronics

A Distance Participation Program with e-learning Management System to provide you all new concepts of semiconducting nanomaterials directly from the experts.


3 Months


Graduates/ Post Graduates/ PhDs in Electronics or Its associated fields/branches.


Self-Paced/ Online

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Program Overview

This innovative program aims to give participants a thorough grounding of marketing and making of Nano gadgets and/or using effective practices to elaborate the career aspects. The program covers the areas, technologies, principles coupled with general and technology orientation towards implementing a robust compliance.


The innovative Program Silicon Nanostructures and Carbon Nanotubes based Nanoelectronics aims to give participants a thorough grounding in the skills necessary for a technology-based career in electronic Industry as well as semiconductor manufacturing Industries.


Students will have knowledge enhancement in the field of Semiconductor Nanostructure's Basics, their importancevarious Silicon Nanostructures for Electronics and Carbon Nanotube based Electronics.


The program comprises of 3 modules. The modules include online tutorials and assessments, and are evaluated through project work and online assignments. The program consists of online mid-term assignments, a final online examination and project work.

Course Outline

Semiconductor Nanostructures & Nanomaterials

Semiconductor Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Introduction

Silicon Nanowires
Silicon Quantum Dots
Silicon Nanotubes
Hybrid Silicon-Carbon Nanotubes
Silicon Carbide Nanotubes

Carbon Nanotube based Field Emission Devices
Carbon Nanotube Transistors
Single Electron Transistor
Ballistic Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with Palladium Contact
Overview of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Technology

Notable Achievements in Nanoelectronics

Features of e-LMS

Program work is completed through online system under the guidance of program coordinator

Chat Box
Self Evaluation Assignments
Nano Wiki
Innovative Projects

Various Job Opportunities in the Silicon Nanostructure & Carbon Nano Tube

  • Photonics Integration Engineer : Photonic integration is still in its early stages, despite the fact that integrated circuits are already dominating technology in the field of electronics. It is a major facilitator of the modern internet and has the potential to enable new forms of sensing and imaging. Photonics Integration (PhI) engineers conduct cutting-edge research on indium phosphide semiconductor-based photonic integration and related applications.
  • Senior Silicon Photonics Laser Engineer : As a Senior Laser Engineer, you'll be in charge of driving the wafer-scale integration of InP and GaAs lasers into Si photonics platforms. One will be in charge of laser device design, simulation, layout, data analysis, and qualification, to name a few responsibilities.
  • Full custom Analog Layout Engineer :  Engineers must design analogue layouts such as PLL, BG, LVDS, IVREF, and so on for various projects including space applications and other research projects, as well as physical verifications such as DRC, LVS, and EM/IR.
  • 3D Litho Process Development Engineer : One is in charge of analyzing and debating lithographic process development requests. offering high-quality lithography methods for cutting-edge 3D, logic, and optical interconnect technology platforms to ensure module research and manufacturability.
  • R+D Metrology Engineer: One will assume ownership of all metrology instruments in order to deliver precise, resilient, high  throughput metrology control solutions for SiC wafer production and R&D.

Carbon nanotubes could be used as building blocks for the next generation of electrical gadgets. Carbon nanotubes make it possible to create gadgets on nanometric scales. They can be employed in projects that include diodes, transistors, and connecting elements, among other electrical and optoelectronic components. This study summarises the current level of knowledge in this field, with a focus on the impact of quantum effects on the features of such components.

Admission Procedure

Step 1.

Click On The Below Mentioned Link "Apply Here"

Step 2.

Fill All Basic Details Of Yours (Name, Email Id, Contact Details, Image)

Step 3.

Choose Your Program, Session And Duration Of Program

Step 4.

Fill Payment Details In The Form And Submit

Step 5.

Hurray! You Will Get Your Login Credential Within 48 Hrs.

Course Plans

Basic Course

3 Month Self Paced Course

INR 24,999/- or USD 650
  • Access to e-LMS
  • Immediate commencement
  • Study material at your doorstep
  • Project Guidance from Subject Experts
  • Paper Publication Opportunity
  • Self Assessment
  • Final Examination
  • Certification
  • Marksheet

Program Assessment:

Certification to this program will be based on the evaluation of following assignment (s)/ examinations:

Mid Term Assignments
20 %
Final Online Exam
30 %
Project Report Submission (Includes Mandatory Paper Publication)
50 %

To study the printed/online course material, submit and clear, the mid term assignments, project work/research study (in completion of project work/research study, a final report must be submitted) and the online examination, you are allotted a 1-month period. You will be awarded a certificate, only after successful completion/ and clearance of all the aforesaid assignment(s) and examinations.

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