Workshop Registration End Date :19 Sep 2024

Virtual Workshop

Full-Stack Web Development with MERN Stack

Master the Full-Stack Development with MERN: Build Dynamic Web Applications from Scratch

Skills you will gain:

About Workshop:

This workshop covers the essentials of full-stack development, with a focus on using the MERN stack. Participants will learn front-end technologies, dynamic web app development with React.js, server-side programming with Node.js and Express.js, and database management with MongoDB. The course concludes with a capstone project where students build a complete web application.

Aim: To equip PhD scholars and academicians with advanced skills in both front-end and back-end web development using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). This course aims to provide hands-on experience in building dynamic, scalable, and efficient web applications using a widely popular tech stack.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Master front-end development using React.js.
  • Build scalable back-end systems with Node.js and Express.js.
  • Design and manage databases with MongoDB.
  • Develop and deploy complete web applications.
  • Gain real-world experience through hands-on projects.

What you will learn?

  • Introduction to Front-End
    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript basics
    • Web design principles and responsive layouts
  • React.js for Dynamic Web Apps
    • Components, hooks, and state management
    • Building interactive UIs with React
  • Back-End Development with Node.js and Express.js
    • Server-side scripting, APIs, and routing
    • Building scalable RESTful services
  • Databases with MongoDB
    • NoSQL databases, CRUD operations, and indexing
    • Integration with Node.js applications
  • Capstone Project
    • Building and deploying a complete full-stack web application

Mentor Profile

Gurpreet Kaur Assistant Professor
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Fee Plan

StudentINR 1499/- OR USD 40
Ph.D. Scholar / ResearcherINR 1999/- OR USD 45
Academician / FacultyINR 2999/- OR USD 50
Industry ProfessionalINR 4999/- OR USD 75

Important Dates

Registration Ends
19 Sep 2024 Indian Standard Timing
Workshop Dates
20 Sep 2024 to
22 Sep 2024  Indian Standard Timing 5 PM

Get an e-Certificate of Participation!


Intended For :

Software developers, web developers, computer science students, and IT professionals.

Career Supporting Skills

React.js Node.js Express.js MongoDB HTML/CSS/JavaScript API Development CRUD Operations

Workshop Outcomes

  • Proficiency in both front-end and back-end development.
  • Ability to build scalable, dynamic web applications using MERN stack.
  • Hands-on experience in full-stack development projects.
  • Mastery of web application design, deployment, and maintenance.
  • Real-world skills applicable to tech jobs in web development.