Workshop Registration End Date :23 Oct 2024

Virtual Workshop

Generative AI and GANs

Mastering Generative AI and GANs for Cutting-Edge Innovation

Skills you will gain:

About Workshop:

This three-day workshop delves into advanced concepts of generative AI, focusing on GANs and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), stable training techniques, and applications in creative arts, medicine, and bioinformatics. Participants will engage in hands-on sessions and case studies to understand practical challenges and solutions.

Aim: To provide PhD scholars and academicians with advanced skills in generative AI and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). This course aims to deepen understanding of GAN architectures, training techniques, and innovative applications, enhancing research and practical implementation capabilities.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Master advanced concepts of GANs and VAEs.
  • Implement stable GAN training techniques.
  • Develop innovative GAN applications in various fields.
  • Solve practical challenges in GAN training and optimization.
  • Enhance research and practical implementation skills.

What you will learn?

Day 1: Advanced Generative AI Concepts

  • Lecture Topics:
    • Detailed study of GANs: DCGAN, CycleGAN
    • Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and their applications
  • Discussion & Case Studies:
    • Case studies in data augmentation and synthetic data generation
    • Hands-on session with GAN architectures

Day 2: Training and Optimizing GANs

  • Lecture Topics:
    • Techniques for stable GAN training: Wasserstein GAN, Progressive GAN
    • Addressing common issues: mode collapse, convergence
  • Discussion & Case Studies:
    • Practical challenges and solutions
    • Interactive session with custom GAN projects

Day 3: Innovative Applications of GANs

  • Lecture Topics:
    • Applications in creative arts: AI-generated art, music
    • Use cases in medicine and bioinformatics
  • Discussion & Case Studies:
    • Real-world impact and future trends
    • Hands-on session with creative GAN projects

Mentor Profile

Karar Haider AI – Engg ML1
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Fee Plan

StudentINR 1499/- OR USD 40
Ph.D. Scholar / ResearcherINR 1999/- OR USD 45
Academician / FacultyINR 2999/- OR USD 50
Industry ProfessionalINR 4999/- OR USD 75

Important Dates

Registration Ends
23 Oct 2024 Indian Standard Timing 1:00 pm
Workshop Dates
23 Oct 2024 to
25 Oct 2024  Indian Standard Timing 5 PM

Get an e-Certificate of Participation!


Intended For :

Data scientists, AI researchers, computer vision engineers, and academicians in AI and machine learning.

Career Supporting Skills

GANs VAEs Stable Training Creative AI Bioinformatics

Workshop Outcomes

  • Develop and optimize advanced GAN architectures.
  • Implement and fine-tune stable training techniques for GANs.
  • Create innovative applications of GANs in creative arts and healthcare.
  • Address and solve practical challenges in GAN training.
  • Conduct high-level research in generative AI and GANs.