Billing Center

Account # [email protected]
Account Holder: Hiba Mernissi
Enrollment ID: [email protected]

CRISPR-Cas Genome Editing: Workflow, Tools and Techniques
Mentor: Dr. D. Panda
Starts: From 2024-07-27 to 2024-07-29
Last Payment Date: 2024-07-27

Your account is USD 50 past due. Prompt payment is required to avoid suspension.

Account Balance in UDS

Past Due
Pending 27-Jul-24
USD 50
Balance Due (USD)
USD 50

Pay in Your Currency

Past Due
Pending 27-Jul-24
USD 50
Balance Due (USD)
USD 50

Payment Method

Online: Razorpay

Billing Cycle: One Time
Due Date: 27/07/2024 04:00 PM Onwards IST

Note: Payment can be made in either USD or your selected currency.

Request for PayPal Link

Note: Please ignore if you have already paid.