
Workshop Registration End Date :2024-12-28

Virtual Workshop

High-Impact Publishing Simplified: From Manuscript to Submission – Beginners

“Transform Your Research into a Published Masterpiece!”

Virtual (Google Meet)
Mentor Based
3 Days (1.5 hours per day)
Start Date
28 -December -2024
8:00 PM IST


High-Impact Publishing Simplified: From Manuscript to Submission is a 3-day workshop designed to help researchers, students, and early-career academics streamline the publication process. From understanding what editors look for in high-impact journals to mastering the nuances of scientific language, the workshop will cover every essential step in preparing a publishable manuscript. Participants will gain insights into structuring their work effectively, choosing appropriate journals, and addressing reviewer comments professionally.
The sessions will include interactive writing exercises, real-time manuscript evaluations, and group discussions on overcoming common publishing challenges. This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to elevate the quality of their research publications and build a strong academic portfolio. By the end of the workshop, participants will be ready to submit their research confidently, reducing the risk of rejection and optimizing their chances for publication in top-tier journals.


This workshop aims to understand various types of publications and strategies to write the manuscript for high-impact factor journals.

Workshop Objectives

  • To comprehend various types of publications and selection of literatures/ database.
  • To understand the key factors of successful publications.
  • To provide hands-on experience on writing the manuscript and provide support for publications.

Workshop Structure

Day 1: Understanding the Various Types of Publications and Selection of Literature Database

    • Introduction to different types of publications: Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, and Technical Reports.
    • Overview of popular literature databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and others.
    • Hands-on demonstration: Effective literature search techniques and keyword optimization.

Day 2: Guides on Pre-Writing Stage: TOC, Abstract, and Keywords Selection

    • Session 1: Tools and Techniques for Research Preparation
      • Introduction to BioRender for creating high-quality scientific visuals.
      • Using Mendeley for literature management and citation organization.
      • Basics of Microsoft Word for manuscript formatting and Microsoft PowerPoint for presentation preparation.
    • Session 2: Structuring Your Research
      • Guidance on the selection of research areas and refining ideas.
      • Step-by-step training on Table of Contents (TOC) preparation tailored to the participants’ areas of interest.
      • Abstract and keywords: Best practices for maximizing visibility.
    • Hands-On Activities:
      • Creating a draft TOC using Microsoft Word.
      • Managing references with Mendeley.
      • Designing a visual using BioRender for their area of interest.

Day 3: Comprehensive Guidance on Review Article Writing

    • Session 1: Essentials of Review Articles
      • Understanding the importance of review articles in academia and industry.
      • Crafting a review manuscript: Structure, flow, and content organization.
    • Session 2: Ethical and Technical Considerations
      • Addressing plagiarism and copyright issues.
      • Tools for plagiarism detection and management.
    • Session 3: Advanced Tools for Enhancing Writing
      • Using Microsoft Word for collaborative writing and advanced formatting.
      • Leveraging Mendeley for bibliography creation.
      • Creating impactful visuals and summaries using BioRender and Microsoft PowerPoint.
    • Hands-On Activities:
      • Writing a review article introduction.
      • Formatting citations and references using Mendeley.
      • Creating a visual abstract or infographic with BioRender.

Participant’s Eligibility

  • Undergraduate or Graduate degree in Life Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, or related fields.
  • Early-career researchers or professionals in academia.
  • Anyone with a strong interest in scientific writing and publishing.

Important Dates

Registration Ends

Indian Standard Timing 7:00 PM

Workshop Dates

2024-12-28 to 2024-12-30
Indian Standard Timing 8:00 PM

Workshop Outcomes

  •  Helping in manuscript writing and publication after the workshop.
  • Providing collaborative opportunities for the participants for a successful research career.
  • Plagiarism and manuscript proofreading (free; based on the request by the participants).
  • Selection of journals and successful submission of the manuscript (free; based on the request by the participants).

Mentor Profile

Fee Structure


INR. 299
USD. 15

Ph.D. Scholar / Researcher

INR. 399
USD. 20

Academician / Faculty

INR. 599
USD. 30

Industry Professional

INR. 799
USD. 45

We are excited to announce that we now accept payments in over 20 global currencies, in addition to USD. Check out our list to see if your preferred currency is supported. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of paying in your local currency!
List of Currencies


Contact Learner Support

Best of support with us

Phone (For Voice Call)

WhatsApp (For Call & Chat)

Key Takeaways

  • Access to Live Lectures
  • Access to Recorded Sessions
  • e-Certificate
  • Query Solving Post Workshop

Future Career Prospects

  • Become an accomplished researcher with multiple publications.
  • Enhance academic and research career progression.
  • Gain credibility in the research community.
  • Opportunities to work as a Research Consultant.
  • Eligibility for roles in academic editing and manuscript preparation.
  • Potential to become a peer reviewer or editorial board member.

Job Opportunities

  • Research Scientist
  • Academic Editor
  • Manuscript Reviewer
  • Content Writer for Research Organizations
  • Publishing Consultant
  • Research Communication Specialist

Enter the Hall of Fame!

Take your research to the next level!

Publication Opportunity
Potentially earn a place in our coveted Hall of Fame.

Centre of Excellence
Join the esteemed Centre of Excellence.

Networking and Learning
Network with industry leaders, access ongoing learning opportunities.

Hall of Fame
Get your groundbreaking work considered for publication in a prestigious Open Access Journal (worth ₹20,000/USD 1,000).

Achieve excellence and solidify your reputation among the elite!


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I thank you for delivering such an informative and interesting workshop. I would like to work with More you to learn and acquire more knowledge from you.
USHASI DAS : 2025-01-07 at 3:03 pm

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