
User Registration Details

Pid FullName Name of Institute Country/State Profession Designation Department Area Of Interest
Mr. Prakash Kancherla
[email protected]
tirumala engineering college India/(Andhra Pradesh) Phd Scholar/ Researcher Assistant Professor ECE speech processing
Dr. Suchithra M S
[email protected]
Government Dental College, Kottayam India/(Kerala) Academician Professor Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry Prevention and management of Early Childhood Caries
165 Dr. Suchithra M S
[email protected]
Government Dental College, Kottayam India/(Kerala) Academician Professor Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry Prevention and management of Early Childhood Caries
Ms. Lalita Sundriyal Parihar
[email protected]
GITI HALDWANI India/(Uttarakhand) Academician Instructor Govt ITI Electronic
Mr. rishit jain
[email protected]
Christ University India/(Karnataka) Student student ib physics
Dr. Sowon CHOI
[email protected]
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) South Korea/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher principal researcher Graduation Institute of Ferrous and Eco Materials Technology LLM
[email protected]
Police Department India/(Andhra Pradesh) Industry Professional Director General of Police Crime Investigation Department AI
Dr. Khalid Zaman
[email protected]
Shenzhen Polytechnic University Shenzhen, China China/() Academician Post Doctorfellow Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Generative Adversarial Networks
Dr. Minisha Gupta
[email protected]
Quality Cognition Private Limited India/(Uttar Pradesh) Industry Professional Researcher Research and Publication Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and Block Chain Technology
Mr. Mujahid Ali
[email protected]
Nanjing Agricultural University Pakistan/() Student Student Agriculture AI
Mr. Hemanth B S
[email protected]
Center for nano and material science, Jain University India/(Karnataka) Phd Scholar/ Researcher Junior research fellow Chemistry Nanotechnology for Polymer Chemical Industry
Ms. Nadia Huang
[email protected]
Gene Company Pty Ltd Australia/() Industry Professional Managing Director Administration siRNA
Dr. Shiv Kumar Verma
[email protected]
Sharda University India/(Uttar Pradesh) Academician Professor Computer Science Machine Learning
Assoc. Prof. Maram Basha
[email protected]
University of Jeddah Saudi Arabia/() Academician Associated prof Chemistry material science-nanocomposite for different application
Mr. Cheran MR
[email protected]
Alagappa university India/(Tamil Nadu) Student Student Nanoscience and technology Battery, solar cells , biosensor, drug delivery, biotechnology
Dr. Bunyod Eshtemirov
[email protected]
Samarkand State University Uzbekistan/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Intelligent system department of Artificial intelligence Machine Learning, Computer Vision
160 Mr. Shahryar Rasheed
[email protected]
University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan/() Student MS Student Chemistry Drug Discovery
Dr. Gloria Bueno
[email protected]
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Spain/() Academician Dr VISILAB Artificial Intelligence
Ms. Amélie Taschereau
[email protected]
Université de Sherbrooke Canada/() Student Biochimie Médecine et Sciences de la santé Diabetes
Mr. Mujahid Ali
[email protected]
Nanjing Agricultural University China/() Student Postgraduate Student College of Agriculture Plant Phenotyping
Ms. Elisabeth Loecker
[email protected]
University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim Germany/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher focusing on light an public health Centre of science, development and transfer Workshops
Ms. ilay nur tümer
[email protected]
istanbul technical university Turkey/() Academician Research Assistant Geomatics Engineering remote sensing
Dr. Chiara Malinconico
[email protected]
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Germany/() Phd Scholar/ Researcher Ph.D. Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Transplant Engineering Oncology
Prof. Sunipa Roy
[email protected]
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology India/(West Bengal) Academician DEAN R & D ECE Nanotechnology for sustainable development
Ms. Bhandhavi Kiran
[email protected]
Mahindra University India/(Telangana) Student student computational biology Computational biology