New Year Offer End Date: 30th April 2024
Wavy Med 08 Single 10 scaled

Microarray Based Gene Expression Analysis using R Programming

Microarray, Data Analysis, R, Genomics, Differential Expression, Pathway Analysis, Clustering, Machine Learning, Data Preprocessing, Reproducibility.

About Program:

The Microarray Data Analysis using R program offers a comprehensive exploration of microarray data analysis techniques within the context of genomics, with a strong focus on leveraging the R programming language. Participants will gain a deep understanding of fundamental concepts such as data preprocessing, differential expression analysis, clustering, pathway analysis, and machine learning. Through engaging presentations, real-world case studies, and expert insights, attendees will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to effectively analyze microarray data, making it a valuable learning opportunity for researchers, data analysts, and bioinformaticians in the genomics field.

Aim: The aim of the “Microarray Data Analysis using R” program is to equip participants with the practical skills and knowledge required to proficiently analyze microarray data using the R programming language, enabling them to uncover meaningful insights, identify differentially expressed genes, and effectively contribute to genomics research and data-driven decision-making in both academic and professional settings.

Program Objectives:

  1. Develop R Proficiency: Enable participants to confidently use R for microarray data analysis, including data manipulation, statistical testing, and visualization.
  2. Comprehend Microarray Technology: Provide a solid understanding of microarray technology, its applications, and its role in genomics research.
  3. Master Data Preprocessing: Teach participants how to preprocess microarray data, covering normalization, quality control, and addressing data outliers.
  4. Identify Differentially Expressed Genes: Equip participants with the skills to identify and interpret differentially expressed genes or features in microarray datasets.
  5. Apply Statistical Analysis: Familiarize participants with statistical methods for hypothesis testing, p-value adjustments, and controlling for false positives in microarray analysis.
  6. Visualize Results Effectively: Instruct participants in creating informative plots and visualizations to communicate microarray data analysis outcomes.
  7. Conduct Pathway Analysis: Introduce tools and techniques for functional enrichment analysis and interpreting biological pathways related to gene expression changes.
  8. Explore Machine Learning: Cover machine learning approaches for classification, prediction, and feature selection using microarray data.
  9. Ensure Reproducibility: Stress the importance of documenting analysis workflows and adopting best practices for reproducible research.
  10. Promote Biological Interpretation: Encourage participants to interpret their findings within the context of biological systems, facilitating the extraction of meaningful insights from microarray data.

What you will learn?

Day 1

  • Introduction to Microarray data analysis workflow
  • Obtaining microarray data from GEO and TCGA
  • Understanding data formats
  • Setting up R for data analysis

Day 2

  • Data Normalization
  • Differential Gene Expression Analysis
  • Annotation of DEGs
  • Pathway Analysis of DEGs

Day 3

  • Heatmap Generation
  • Volcano Plot Generation
  • Survival analysis- Kaplan-Meier Plot

Installation Requirements

  1. Download the most recent versions of R and RStudio for your laptop:

Fee Plan

INR 1999 /- OR USD 50

Intended For :

Graduates, Post Graduates, Research Scholars, Academicians, Industry Professionals of Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies.

Career Supporting Skills

Proficiency in R Programming Microarray Data Preprocessing Differential Expression Analysis Bioinformatics Tools Biological Interpretation

Program Outcomes

  1. Proficiency in R: Participants gain a strong foundation in R programming, allowing them to manipulate, visualize, and analyze microarray data efficiently.
  2. Understanding of Microarray Technology: Attendees develop a comprehensive understanding of microarray technology, including its principles, applications, and data generation processes.
  3. Data Preprocessing Expertise: Participants learn to clean and preprocess microarray data effectively, addressing issues such as normalization, quality control, and missing data.
  4. Differential Expression Analysis Skills: Participants can identify and interpret differentially expressed genes or features in microarray datasets, a critical skill in genomics research.
  5. Statistical Analysis Competence: Attendees become proficient in statistical methods for hypothesis testing, p-value corrections, and multiple testing adjustments related to microarray data.
  6. Data Visualization Capability: Participants acquire the ability to create informative plots and visualizations to communicate their microarray data analysis findings effectively.
  7. Pathway Analysis Proficiency: Attendees gain skills in functional enrichment analysis and the interpretation of biological pathways associated with gene expression changes.
  8. Machine Learning Application: Participants learn how to apply machine learning techniques for classification, prediction, and feature selection using microarray data.
  9. Reproducibility Emphasis: Attendees understand the importance of reproducibility and adopt best practices for documenting and sharing their analysis workflows.
  10. Biological Interpretation Skills: Participants can interpret analysis results within the context of biological systems, extracting meaningful insights from microarray data.