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Fundamentals of Nanotechnology

Unlock the Nano World: Explore, Innovate, Transform

This program explores the fascinating world of nanotechnology, a field that manipulates matter at the atomic and molecular scale to create new materials and devices with extraordinary properties. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experiments, students will delve into the core aspects of nanotechnology and its transformative potential across industries like healthcare, electronics, energy, and materials science.

Aim: To provide a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles, applications, and implications of nanotechnology, enabling students to apply nanoscale phenomena in various scientific and engineering contexts.

Program Objectives:

  • To introduce the basic principles of nanoscale science and its applications.
  • To demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology.
  • To cultivate skills in analyzing and designing nanomaterials.
  • To assess the ethical, societal, and environmental impact of nanotechnological advances.
  • To prepare participants for further study or career development in nanotechnology-related fields.

What you will learn?

1. Historical Aspects of Nanotechnology
2. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology- Definitions & Components
3. Modern Aspects of Nanotechnology
4. How will Nanotechnology Affect us?
5. Project Report Submission/ Article Writing

Intended For :

Ideal for students and professionals from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, and Material Science looking to enhance their knowledge or pivot their career focus towards nanotechnology.

Career Supporting Skills

Nanomaterials Synthesis Precision Measurement Innovative Collaborative Technical