
Pre-Ph.D Coursework:  All You Need To Know

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Enrollments until 01 December 2021


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Eligibility Criteria For Admission To Ph.D Programme*

Subject to the conditions stipulated in these Regulations, the following persons are eligible to seek admission to the Ph.D programme:

* As per UGC

  • Master's Degree holders satisfying the following stipulated criteria
  • Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil. course work with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and successfully completing the M. Phil Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do research work leading to the Ph. D Degree. A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC(non-creamy layer)/differently-abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time
  • A person who's M.Phil. Dissertation has been evaluated and the Viva-Voce is pending may be admitted to the Ph.D programme of the same Institution
  • Candidates possessing a Degree considered equivalent to M.Phil. Degree of an Indian Institution, from a Foreign Educational Institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions, shall be eligible for admission to Ph.D programme

Admission Procedure*

  • Admission to M. Phil /Ph.D students shall be through an Entrance Test conducted at the level of individual University/Institution deemed to be a University. The University/Institution deemed to be a University may set separate terms and conditions for the Ph.D. Entrance Test for those students who qualify in UGC-NET (including JRF) / UGC- CSIR NET (including JRF) /SLET/GATE/, teacher fellowship holders, or those who have obtained an M. Phil degree. A similar approach may be adopted for the M. Phil programme. 
  • An Entrance Test with qualifying marks as 50% for General category and 45% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD category. The syllabus of the Entrance Test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be subject- specific.
  • Candidates appearing in the entrance test will be called for interview as per the ratio approved by the Academic Council from time to time.
  • The final selection for admission for M. Phil/Ph.D will be based on the performance in Entrance and interview. The School/Department/Centre may give some weightage within the interview marks like any appropriate fellowships, gold medals and distinctions as decided by the respective Admission Committees for the academic year which will be put on website.
  • All members of the Admission Committee including SC/ST/OBC representative (except co-opted members) will award marks to all candidates.
  • ‘Department Research Committee’ (DRC) of the UGC Regulations, will be called as the Admission Committee in UoH.
  • All faculty members are eligible to serve as members of the Admission Committee subject to the condition that their dependents/relatives are not appearing in the Entrance Exam for admissions to their School/Dept./Centre. The Chairperson, Admission Committee will take an undertaking from all members in this regard.

* As per UGC

Types of Ph.D

A Ph.D may be an academic or professional qualification. In addition to Ph.Ds, there are many other Ph.Ds that may not be well known, but are equally respected. As a future student, you may need to choose either a Ph.D or a work-related or practice-oriented Ph.D, depending on your experience, subject matter or career aspirations.

  • Ph.D. / D.Phil

  • Ph.D. (Eng)

  • Ed.D

  • D.Soc.Sci

  • D.Prof

  • D.Arch

  • MD

  • Th.D

  • D.Div

  • D.sc / ScD

  • D.Litt 

  • D.BA

FULL FORM: Doctor of Social Science

TYPE: Professional

SUBJECTS: Social Sciences

The Doctor of Social Sciences is the highest degree offered by some universities in the field of social sciences, while others have Ph.Ds. lend. Like the Ph.D, it is recognized as a final research degree that requires a wide range of original dissertations. It focuses on the complex social relationships of human society. You can study subjects that affect society as a whole, such as economics and political science. Some focus areas are communication research, social and health services, community development, and economics. Program participants will gain hands-on experience while learning the basic concepts of social sciences. A scholar with a Ph.D in Social Sciences can recognize public issues and become an active listener as well as an influential representative. They can also acquire communication skills that can benefit from all aspects of life.


Pre-Ph.D Course work

Course work for M. Phil/Ph.D. will be of 12-14 credits. During the course work, the students are expected to meet the attendance requirements as mandated by the University.

Course work is to be completed in one year after taking admission, failing which the student’s admission in the programme will stand cancelled. M. Phil/Ph.D students can appear in Regular and Supplementary Exam in each semester. There is no provision for Improvement or Special Supplementary exam to be conducted. The Academic Units should offer the courses in the all semesters as admission to Ph.D will be in 2 sessions and for the students who have failed in their 1st semester and conduct the Regular and Supplementary Exam to give students a chance to complete the course work within one year. Failure to complete the course work within one year means that the students have to leave the programme. In course work for M. Phil and Ph.D, the pass percentage is 55% or a CGPA of 6.0. To continue the M. Phil/ Ph.D further, a candidate should acquire a CGPA of 6.0 in all course work taken together. In the Ph.D coursework, the Results and Grade sheets will only carry Pass/Fail results.


Grading for M. Phil courses is as follows :

80 < 100 A+

75 < 80 A

65 < 75 B+

60 < 65 B

55 < 60 C


Grade sheet will be issued for the course work done. The Ph.D. course work may be exempted, if a student is admitted after completion of M.Phil. in the same subject/area (with 12-14 credits including the course on Research Methodology) on recommendation by Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of the School/Dept./Centre subject to fulfilling the other requirements. The request of exemption should be made in the 1st semester of his admission only. An order shall be issued in this regard from office of Controller of Examinations..

Here are the benefits of Pre- Ph.D coursework

Equip your self with educational and research abilities that are required to correctly advantage an area at a renowned college and to embark to your studies research with confidence.

Benefit 1

Gain a better comprehension of several facets of research methodologies.

Pre-docs provide an unprecedented view into the research process for those still deciding if a career in research is suitable for them and whether a Ph.D is good for them. Supervisors actively include pre-doctoral researchers in their research projects. Pre-doctoral students who went on to Ph.D programmes say that this preview helped them get a head start on their own graduate studies. Even if they never return to the type of research they did as a pre-doc, the toolbox built in these positions is widely applicable and highly valued.

Benefit 2

Prior to pursuing a Ph.D, gain more experience.

A pre-doc can be a wonderful alternative to a more expensive option like a terminal Master's degree for those who need to hone their technical skills or gain more research experience. While most of the knowledge and experience is gained on the job, it can also be augmented by coursework and materials developed expressly for pre-doctoral students by the recruiting organizations.

Benefit 3

Find out what a research job entails and if it's suited for you.

The major purpose of pursuing doctoral degrees is to engage in research and eventually become a professor at a university. However, not all Ph.D students go on to work as professors in universities. Many Ph.D students may want to work for a government agency in the future.

Course Structure

Course has total 4 structure focusing on basics of philosophy of science and ethics, research integrity, publication ethics. Hands-on-sessions are designed to identify research misconduct and predatory publications. Indexing and citation databases, open access publications, research metrics (citations, h-index, Impact Factor, etc.) and plagiarism tools will be introduced in this course.


Module 1: Science & Research

  • Definition, History, Evolution of Scientific Inquiry
  • Scientific research: Definition, Characteristics, Types, Need of Research
  • Philosophical, Sociological Foundation of Research
  • Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Identification of the problem, Assessing the status of the problem, Formulating the objectives
  • Preparing Design (Experimental or otherwise), Actual Investigation


Module 2: Introduction to research: meaning & importance

  • Meaning and Importance of Research: Types of Research- Selection and Formulation of Research Problem
  • Developing a Research Plan- Exploring, Description, Diagnosis, Experimentation
  • Research Design- Design- Need- Features- Inductive, Deductive and Development of models
  • Determining Experimental and Sample Designs


Module 3: Methods of Research

  • Qualitative and quantitative methods of research like Historical, Case study, ethnography, exposit facto, documentary, and content analysis, Survey (Normative, Descriptive, Evaluative etc.)
  • Characteristics of methods and their implications in research area
  • Research Methods: Scientific method vs Arbitrary Method
  • Logical Scientific Methods: Deductive, Inductive, Deductive-Inductive
  • Pattern of Deductive- Inductive logical process- Different types of Inductive LogicalMethods


Module 4: Ethics & IPR

  • Ethical Issues – Ethical Committees – Commercialization – copy right – royalty –Intellectual Property rights and patent law – Track Related aspects of intellectual property Rights – Reproduction of published material – Plagiarism – Citation and Acknowledgement – Reproducibility and accountability
  • Intellectual Property: The Concept, Intellectual Property System in India, Development of TRIPS Complied Regime in India, Patents Act, 1970, Trade Mark Act, 1999, The Designs Act, 2000,
  • The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection)Act1999,
  • Copyright Act,1957
  • The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act,2001,
  • The Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act, 2000,
  • Trade Secrets, Utility Models, IPR and Biodiversity, The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)1992,
  • Competing Rationales for Protection of IPRs, Leading International Instruments Concerning IPR,
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),WIPO and WTO,
  • Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, National Treatment, Right of Priority, Common Rules, Patents, Marks, Industrial Designs, Trade Names, Indications of Source, Unfair Competition, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Advantages of PCT Filing,
  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, Basic Principles, Duration of Protection,
  • Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS) Agreement, Covered under TRIPS Agreement, Features of the Agreement, Protection of Intellectual Property under TRIPS, Copyright and Related Rights, Trademarks, Geographical indications, Industrial Designs, Patents, Patentable Subject Matter, Rights Conferred, Exceptions, Term of protection, Conditions on Patent Applicants, Process Patents, Other Use without Authorization of the Right Holder,
  • Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits, Protection of Undisclosed Information, Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, UNSECO.


Module 5: Interpretation & Report Writing

  • Meaning of Interpretation, Technique of Interpretation, Precaution in Interpretation, Significance of Report Writing, Different Steps in Writing Report, Layout of the Research Report, Types of Reports, Oral Presentation, Mechanics of Writing a Research Report, Precautions for Writing Research Reports.
  • Principles of report writing and guidelines according to style manuals. Writing and presentation of preliminary, main body and reference section of report. Introduction to SPSS. Evaluation of research report.
  • Technical Reports and Thesis – Significance – Different steps in the preparation – Layout, structure, and Language of typical reports - Illustrations and tables – Bibliography, Referencing and foot notes –Importance of Effective Communication. Preparing Research papers for journals, Seminars and Conferences – Design of paper using TEMPLATE, Calculations of Impact factor of a journal, citation Index, ISBN & ISSN.
  • Preparation of Project Proposal - Title, Abstract, Introduction – Rationale, Objectives, Methodology – Time frame and work plan – Budget and Justification – References

B. Research and Publication Ethics (RPE)


Module 1: Philosophy & Ethics

  • Introduction to philosophy: Definition, Nature and Scope, Concept, Branches.
  • Ethics: Definitions, Moral Philosophy, Nature of Moral Judgments and Reaction.


Module 2: Scientific Conduct

  • Ethics with respect to science and research
  • Intellectual honesty and research integrity
  • Scientific misconducts: Falsification, Fabrication, and Plagiarism (FFP)
  • Redundant publications: duplicate and overlapping publications, salami slicing
  • Selective reporting and misrepresentation of data


Module 3: Publication Ethics

  • Publication ethics: definition, introduction and importance
  • Best practices / standards setting initiatives and guidelines: COPE, WAME, etc.
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Publication misconduct: definition, concept, problems that lead to unethical behavior and vice versa, types
  • Violation of publication ethics, authorship and contributorship
  • Identification of publication misconduct, complaints and appeals
  • Predatory publishers and journals


Module 4: Open Access Publication 

  • Open access publications and initiatives
  • SHERPA/ RoMEO online resource to check publisher copyright & self-archiving policies
  • Software tool to identify predatory publications developed by SPPU
  • Journal finder / journal suggestion tools viz. JANE, Elsevier Journal Finder, Springer Journal Suggester, etc.


Module 5: Publication Misconduct

A. Group Discussions 

  • Subject specific ethical issues, FFP, authorship
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Complaints and appeals: examples and fraud from India and abroad

B. Tools 

  • Use of plagiarism software like Tunitin, Urkund and other open source software tools


Module 6: Databases & Research Metrics


  • Indexing databases
  • Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.

Research Metrics

  • Impact Factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report, SNIP, SJR, IPP, Cite Score
  • Metrics: h-index, g index, i10 index, altmetrics


Module 1: Analysis of Literature Review

  • Primary Sources 
  • Secondary Sources,  
  • Web Sources 
  • Critical Literature Review


Module 2: Development Theoretical Framework

  • Searching the existing literature 
  • Reviewing the selected literature 
  • Developing a conceptual framework  
  • Writing about the literature reviewed


Module 3: Methods of data collections

  • Sources of Data – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary – Types of Data – Categorical, nominal & Ordinal.  
  • Methods of Collecting Data : Observation, field investigations, Direct studies – Reports, Records or Experimental observations.  
  • Tools of data collections : Types, Attributes and uses.  
  • Redesigning, research tools-like questionnaire, opinionnaire, observation, interviews, scales and tests.


Module 4: Methods of data Analysis 

  • Concept of sampling and other concepts related to sampling
  • Probability and non-probability samples : characteristics and implications  
  • Analysis of qualitative data based on various tools 
  • Analysis of quantitative data and its presentation with tables, graphs  
  • Descriptive Analysis – Inferential Analysis- Correlation analysis 
  • Least square method 
  • Statistical tools and techniques of data analysis-measures of central tendency, dispersion 
  • Decision making with hypothesis testing through parametric and non-parametric tests.  
  • Validity and delimitations of research findings.


Module 1: Basics of Computer

  • Characteristics of Computers 
  • Evolution of computers, computer memory, computer generations 
  • Basic computer organization; System software, Application software, introduction to operating system, single user, multi-user, multi-tasking, single tasking 
  • Application of computer for business and research, MS-windows, Linux.


Module 2: Data Communication and Networks

  • Data communication concepts: local area network, wide area network, internet, intranet, extranet, website. 
  • E-mail, search engines-enterprise E-communication and E-collaboration


Module 3: Internet for Research

  • The Internet: quick look, what is internet, Use of Internet, major internet services 
  • Electronic mail, www, downloading super tools for better computing Internet and the society
  • Use of E-Journals, Use of E-library, searching the keyword search engines, News and multimedia, governments, archives and statistics.


Module 4: Introduction to Research Related Software

  • Introduction to Data analysis software-SPSS: Definition, objectives, and features 
  • Data analysis using SPSS: Data entry creating variables, switching to data labels 
  • Data analysis: Frequencies, recording into different variables, cross tabulations and layers 
  • Core calculation software, developing utility programs for research 
  • Introduction to C programming


Module 5: Research Related Tools and Utilities

  • MS-Office and its application 
  • File handing in window 
  • Various versions of MS- Office, Research publishing tool- MS-Word, Adobe acrobat, Graphics tool- MS- Excel, MS-Power Point: Creating presentations and adding effects 
  • Subject/field specific tools on www.freeware.com

Learn about the top-notch topics for Advance Subject Related Course (ASRC) that fits your domain

The Coursework is an essential part of every Ph.D program and forms the basis for the dissertation phase. through Nanoschool one can get their Pre-Ph.D coursework without relocating themselves.

The upward push of on line schooling has brought about several faculties and universities to provide a distance studying options for college students who want to earn their credit in Pre-Ph.D coursework, As it's far a top notch alternative that has labored for many. More and extra college students are enrolling in on line studying. Most Ph.D college students, in particular, advantage substantially from studying on line and being hired on the equal time.

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Due to the fact a Ph.D scholar isn't an any stranger to traumatic schedules and an exceedingly busy lifestyle, you can use a few assist from experts.

Advance Subject Related Coursework for scholars

Applying for a Ph.D programme can be a complicated and intimidating process. The Nanoschool's Pre-Ph.D Preparation Program will assist you in identifying a research topic and developing a research proposal that is appropriate for you, as well as walk you through the University's application procedure step by step.

E. Area of Specialization

  • Fundamentals of Nanoscience & Technology
  • Kitchen waste to Carbon Nanomaterials
  • Crop waste to cellulose Nano fibers
  • Digital Waste to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles.
  • Thermal Power Plant Waste to Rare Earth Elements
  • Zinc Smelter Waste to Iron and Zinc Nanoparticles

  • Introduction: Wastewater Treatment.
  • Nanotechnology: A promising technique for wastewater treatment.
  • A Promising Material: Polymer Nano composites.
  • Chemical Industry waste: Here is how Nanotechnology can fix it.
  • EHS Norms: Chemical Industry.

  • Semiconductor Nanostructures & Nanomaterials
  • Semiconductor Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Introduction
  • Silicon Nanowires
  • Silicon Quantum Dots
  • Silicon Nanotubes
  • Hybrid Silicon-Carbon Nanotubes
  • Silicon Carbide Nanotubes
  • Carbon Nanotube based Field Emission Devices
  • Carbon Nanotube Transistors
  • Single Electron Transistor
  • Ballistic Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with Palladium Contact
  • Overview of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Technology
  • Notable Achievements in Nanoelectronics

  • Nano [ Chemistry , Physics , Biology ]
  • Bio- Nano - Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Bio-Nanomaterials-Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Bio-Nano Medical -Technology & Applications
  • Methods & Tools for Measuring Bio-Nano Properties
  • Bio Nanotechnology Laboratory & Lab Procedure


Nano pharmaceuticals & Its Industrial Applications

  • Introduction to Nanotechnology
  • Biopharmaceutical Nanotechnology
  • Nanostructures in Pharmaceuticals
  • Applied Nanomaterial in Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Nanomedicine: Promise of the Future in Disease Management
  • Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
  • Nanotechnology -Laboratory & Lab Procedure
  • Nanopharmaceuticals Products Overview


Nanopharmaceuticals & Its Efficacy In Drug Delivery

  • Overview of Nanopharmaceuticals
  • Nanoparticles Used in Drug Delivery
  • Nanostructures Used in Drug Delivery
  • Nanobiopharmaceuticals based Drug Delivery

Nanoelectronics & Its Industrial Applications

  • Fundamentals of Nanotechnology
  • Nanomaterials -Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Nanostructures: Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Semiconductor Nanostructures & Nanomaterials
  • Carbon Nanotubes- Technology & Applications
  • Nano Scale Synthesis & Fabrication
  • Nano Scale Characterization & Manipulation
  • Nanoelectronics: Present & Future Aspects
  • Electronic Consumer Products Manufactured using Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology In Energy And Its Industrial Application

  • Nanotechnology in energy
  • Advance generations of solar cells
  • Innovative materials used for fabrication of solar cells  
  • Fabrication techniques used to make a solar cell and its future potentials

Credits standard of Pre-Ph.D Course work

The credit score assigned to the Ph.D course work can be at least 06-09 credit and a most of 12-16 credit in conformity with the credit score hour educational requirement and shall specify content, educational and evaluation methods which are duly authorized through the Board of Studies and Academic council. 

Credit may also vary as in line with institutes.

The following is the credit structure for the Pre-Ph.D course


Research Methodology


Research and Publication Ethics


Literature Review & Computer App.


Ad. Subject Related Course (ASRC)


Total Credits


Get Smart Learning benefit through Nanoschool Platform!

State of the art courses which have successfully helped thousands of Industry professionals and also participants from almost all domains and engineering disciplines.

Courses which are Skill oriented and boon for your next Industry move, by giving you real time knowledge and access to best of knowhow.

Know about NSTC

Course Bonuses

We offers following proficient instructive rewards alongside coursework

Learn to Make Statement Of Purpose

A statement of purpose for a Ph.D is a letter of goal that diagrams why  candidate is the right contender for the scholar position and what he desires to achieve expertly and by and by through the position.

Scientific & Technical Writing Skills

Scientific and Technical Writing program offers students practice in the forms and disclosures of scientific and technical writing as they develop, research and revise an independent project. This program imparts strong technical/ scientific specialized fundamentals to the trainees thus creating professionals. 

Webinar/Conference Access

A one stop destination for organizing, promoting, and conducting academic seminars, conferences, conference publishing. It provides a platform for esteemed scholars, researchers, analysts, academicians, and professionals to share their expertise and knowledge.

What makes us different


To provide best advice on professional development and advancement, thus enhancing qualities and overcoming weaknesses.


Emphasize strong technical, scientific skills to the trainees thus creating professionals, well grounded in the principles of scientific and technical documentation also.


We intend to meet the emerging demands of nanotechnology professionals and prepare the participants for a successful career in Nanoscience and Technology, for various industries.


NSTC has created a platform conducive for growth, promotion and partnering in the field of Nano Science and Technology, bringing together industries, students, academia and government through educative processes.

Meet the Advisory Board of NSTC

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting. If you haven’t got great testimonials yet, then check out our article on the secret to getting raving testimonials for your online course

Prof. Himadri B. Bohidar

NCEAN, TERI-Deakin, Nanobiotechnology Center, Gurgaon

Dr. Himadri B. Bohidar is currently associated with National Center for Excellence in Agro- nanotechnology TERI-Deakin Nanobiotechnology Center, Gurgaon, NCR. He received his Ph.D. Degree in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1981 and earned Academic Experience of 31 years in Teaching & Research. Then earned Administrative Experience in JNU for 8 Years. He is having 12 Years of Administrative Experience at National Level. His Area of Expertise includes Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nano-bio interface science, Soft Matter Science, Polymer Physics, Biophysics. He has 221(h index: 28) Publications in International Journals and author of 2 Books i.e., Polymer Physics and Molecular Biophysics: Cambridge University Press, 2014, UK, and Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles: Wiley- VCH, Berlin, Germany, 2017). He has filed 9 Patents (one granted). He has supervised 23 Ph.D. students in his career till now. Externally funded Projects Handled is of Rs. 207 lakhs (from DST, DBT and SERB).

Dr. Kingshuk Mukhopadhyay

Scientist ‘G’ / Additional Director Head, DMSRDE (DRDO), Kanpur

He received his Ph.D  Degree in Carbon based Nanomaterials from IIT, Bombay in 1997 and earned his postdoctoral from University of Namur (Belgium) 1997-1998 and Nagoya University (JAPAN) in 1998-1999 under JSPS Program. Then joined as a Research Scientist in DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur in 1999.  He is having 28 Years of Experience in the field of Carbon based Nanomaterials. His Area of Expertise includes: Synthesis and Application of Carbon based Nanomaterials.

He is the author of 78 peer reviewed journal papers, 7 book chapters and have 19 granted patents.  He is recipient of DRDO Young Scientist Award 2001 and B. D. Bangur Award 2019 from Indian Carbon Society.

Dr. Saroj Kumar Sahu

Emeritus Scientist in CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar.

Dr. Saroj Kumar Singh obtained M.Tech. & Ph.D (Materials Science) from I.I.T., Kharagpur. He retired as Professor in AcSIR, Chief Scientist, and Head of Advanced Materials Technology Department of CSIR- IMMT, Bhubaneswar, in 2016. He has contributed significantly in various fields of Materials Science and Engineering. His contribution towards the development of Advanced Materials through the thermal plasma route from ores and minerals and solid wastes generated from mineral-based industries is particularly praiseworthy. He has developed and designed various plasma reactors indigenously for the above purposes. He completed several projects in Plasma Processing as PI and team members funded by different sponsor agencies such as DST, NALCO, IRELTD, DMSRDE. CSIR, BRNS, NMDC, MoM, MoS, Vedanta Ltd., etc.


How many years does a PhD take?

The doctoral program lasts a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 to 6 years. However, the period may vary depending on the institution that applied.

Does Phd Provide stipend? 

Yes! Most doctoral programs offer student scholarships. The amount depends on the degree selected by the doctoral candidate.

Is it necessary to qualify an entrance exam to get admission in PhD?

Yes! in case you have not qualified any national fellowship exams, then you may have to appear for university's internal exam to get enrollment in a PhD program.

How do I get a PhD scholarship?

Students can receive scholarships by taking entrance exams such as UGC-NET, CSIR UGC NET, JGEEBILS, DBT JRF BET,  JNU PhD Exam,  NIPER JEE Examination (PhD), NIMHANS Diploma/Superspeciality/PhD online Entrance Test and GATE and obtaining qualifications.

How can one can get admissions in PHD ?

To obtain a PhD, you need to apply on the official website of the desired institution. Some institutions may also ask for statement of purpose (SOP) to select students for admission to their institutions before considering them for entrance exam.

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