setwd("C:/Users/S Thakur/OneDrive/Documents/microarray_tutorial/test") #set your working directory library(GEOquery) #load libraries library(limma) library(clusterProfiler) library(affy) library(oligo) library(clusterProfiler) library(preprocessCore) library(ggplot2) library(splitstackshape) library(dplyr) library(AnnotationDbi) library( # volcano plot volcano_plot <-volcanoplot(results, coef=1, main=sprintf("%d features pass our cutoffs",nrow(sig_genes1))) #results and sig_genes1 are coming from the differential gene exp analysis points(sig_genes1[['logFC']],-log10(sig_genes1[['P.Value']]),col='red') print(volcano_plot) pdf("volcano_plot.pdf") #heatmap data1 <- read.delim("ano.txt", check.names = FALSE) #data1 are coming from annotation matrix = read.delim("exp.txt") #exp is coming from normalized exp values mat_sym = merge(x=matrix,y=data1, by.x = "ID", by.y = "ID") mat_sym = mat_sym[,c(1:5,20)] mat_sym = na.omit(mat_sym) mat_sym=mat_sym[!duplicated(mat_sym$Gene.Symbol_01),] #row.names(mat_sym)=mat_sym$Gene.Symbol_01 #mat_sym = mat_sym[,-6] #write.csv(mat_sym,"matrix.csv") DEGs = read.csv("significant_genes.csv", header = T) DEGs = DEGs[1:100,] HP_significant = merge(mat_sym,DEGs, by.x = "ID", by.y = "ID") row.names(HP_significant)= HP_significant$Gene.Symbol_01 HP_significant = HP_significant[,-c(1,6:12)] HP_significant = scale(HP_significant) library(pheatmap) library(gplots) fontsize_row = 10 - nrow(HP_significant) / 15 pheatmap(HP_significant, col=greenred(256), main="Heatmap", cluster_cols=T, fontsize_row=fontsize_row, angle_col=45, border_color=NA) dev.copy(png, "p_heatmap.png") #box plot library(ggplot2) args(ggplot) gene_data <- data.frame( Gene = rep(c("DDR1")), Condition = rep(c("drugresistant", "parent"), each = 5), Expression = c(9.860,9.9168,9.6345,9.6378,9.9255,7.935,7.879,7.4567,7.4567,7.5788) # Replace with your expression values ) # Create a gene expression box plot with color ggplot(data = gene_data, aes(x = Condition, y = Expression, fill = Condition)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_boxplot(width = 0.5) + labs( title = "Box Plot of Normalized Gene Expression", x = "Condition", y = "Gene Expression" )