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Advanced AI and Machine Learning for Professionals

Audience: AI professionals, data scientists, and machine learning engineers

Skills you will gain:

The Advanced AI and Machine Learning for Professionals course is designed for individuals in AI and data science roles looking to deepen their expertise. Over 10 weeks, participants will explore advanced topics such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, and computer vision. This hands-on program helps learners apply cutting-edge AI techniques to solve complex real-world problems. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to handle sophisticated AI tasks and implement advanced models in your projects.


Program Objectives:

What you will learn?

Module 1: Advanced Machine Learning Techniques (3 Weeks)

  • Overview of advanced algorithms
  • Ensemble methods: boosting, bagging, stacking
  • Dimensionality reduction (PCA, LDA)
  • Time series forecasting models
  • Hands-on project: Predict stock prices using advanced machine learning models

Module 2: Deep Learning Specialization (3 Weeks)

  • Deep learning basics: neural networks, activation functions
  • Architectures: CNNs, RNNs
  • Hyperparameter tuning and optimization
  • Transfer learning with pre-trained models
  • Hands-on project: Build a deep learning model for image classification using CNNs

Module 3: Reinforcement Learning (2 Weeks)

  • Introduction to reinforcement learning (RL)
  • Markov decision processes (MDPs), policies, and rewards
  • Deep Q-networks (DQN) and policy gradients
  • Applications: robotics, gaming, autonomous systems
  • Hands-on project: Create a reinforcement learning agent to solve a maze

Module 4: Computer Vision and Image Processing (2 Weeks)

  • Fundamentals of computer vision
  • Feature extraction and object detection
  • Working with OpenCV and deep learning
  • Image segmentation, face recognition
  • Hands-on project: Develop an object detection model using computer vision techniques


Tools and Technologies

Throughout the course, you will work with:

  • Python
  • TensorFlow & PyTorch
  • Keras
  • OpenCV
  • Scikit-learn
  • Jupyter Notebooks


Q: Is this course suitable for beginners?
A: No, this course is intended for professionals who already have basic knowledge of machine learning and AI.

Q: What kind of projects will I work on?
A: You’ll work on several practical projects, including stock price prediction, image classification, and reinforcement learning agents.

Q: Will I need specific software?
A: Yes, you will need Python and libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV. Instructions for setting up the development environment will be provided.

Q: Will I receive a certificate?
A: Yes, you will receive a professional certificate upon completing the course and the capstone project.

Intended For :

This program is ideal for:

  • AI professionals and machine learning engineers aiming to expand their knowledge.
  • Data scientists interested in mastering deep learning, reinforcement learning, and computer vision.
  • Professionals in AI-driven fields (e.g., robotics, finance, healthcare) who want to stay updated with the latest AI trends.
  • Engineers who want to build sophisticated AI systems to solve real-world problems.

Career Supporting Skills