Discover the Best Nanotechnology Short Courses 

Embark on a journey of discovery with our curated selection of nanotechnology short courses. Dive into the fascinating world of nanoscience and nanoengineering, exploring cutting-edge concepts and practical applications. Elevate your knowledge and skills in this rapidly evolving field. Enroll today and unlock your potential in nanotechnology!


4-5 weeks




INR 10,000/-

INR 7,999/-

or USD 100 $



It's Best Intended For

Beginner entrepreneurs

Those who wish to start their journey as an entrepreneurs in Nanotechnology market, they may join these courses to get an idea about Nanotechnology.

Curious readers

Those who wish to learn something new and different from generalized technology may enroll themselves in this journey of innovative science.

Busy professionals

Those who are already working and want to boost-up their skills with an advance knowledge in new science may choose these courses for an extra edge in their resume.

Intermediate Students

Those who are considering taking a short-term course after 12th grade, or considering higher education may specialize in some area in order to obtain a decent career.

How It Works


The Courses imparts through new online tutorial applications by which participants are guided 24X7.


Participants can work on their topic according to their ease at college, home or where internet connection is possible.


Login credentials are provided to access LMS. One can share their views with other participants and can be self evaluated regularly.


Additional activities such as quiz , report and e- assignments & project work is completed under the guidance of Project Coordinator.

Popular Nanotechnology Based Short Courses

Time is of the essence, and you must begin thinking about your career as soon as possible.

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology
  • Historical Aspects of Nanotechnology 
  • Nanoscience & Nanotechnology- Definitions & Components
  • Modern Aspects of Nanotechnology
  • How will Nanotechnology Affect us?
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Concepts of Nano chemistry, physics & bio
  • Physics at Nanoscale
  • Chemistry at Nanoscale
  • Approaches to nanotechnology
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine and Pharmaceuticals
  • Drug Delivery and Application
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Profit From Nanotechnology 
  • How Will Nanotechnology Affect Us?
  • Nanotechnology in Agriculture Industry
  • Nanotechnology in Automobiles
  • Nanotechnology in Chemical Industry
  • Nanotechnology in Electronics Industry
  • Nanotechnology in Medical Industry
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nano Materials -Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Natural Nanomaterials Resource
  • Natural Nanomaterials formed by Animals Resource
  • Health Benefits of Nanomaterials Resource
  • Classification of Nanomaterials
  • Properties of Nanomaterials
  • Industrial Applications of Nanomaterials Resource
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nano Structures - Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Thin Films Resource
  • Nanofabrics- Production techniques & Applications Resource
  • Nanocapsules & their Applications Resource
  • Dendrimers & their Applications Resource
  • Nanoshells and Nanocages & their Applications Resource
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Carbon Nanotubes- Applications
  • Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes
  • Classifications of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Characterization Tools for Carbon Nanotubes
  • Production Techniques of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Specific Application Areas of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nano - Synthesis & Fabrication
  • Bottom- up Synthesis Techniques Resource
  • Top- Down Mechanical Energy Fabrication Method Resource
  • Top- Down Thermal Fabrication Methods Resource
  • Top- Down High Energy and Particle Fabrication Resource
  • Laser Ablation Process Resource
  • Nano-Fabrication Techniques
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nano -Characterization & Manipulation
  • Nanoscale Characterization Techniques Resource
  • Characterization Techniques in Nanotechnology Resource
  • Various Manipulations in Nanotechnology Resource
  • Fabrication Techniques in Nanotechnology Resource
  • Introduction to Nano-Computation Resource
  • Nano-materials Design for High TC- Ferromagnetism
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Bio- Nano - Concepts & Fundamentals
  • Concept of Bionanotechnology
  • Evolution in Bionanotechnology
  • Physics of Bionanotechnology
  • Self Assembly Nano structures
  • Bionanotechnology & Toxicology
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Bionano Medical- Technology & Applications
  • Imaging and Diagnostics
  • Cancer Detection and Cure
  • Tissue Regeneration
  • Neuro-bioelectronics & Bioelectronics
  • Quantum Dots for Biomarkers
  • Molecular Electronics
  • Biosensor and biochips
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Tools for measuring Bio- Nano Properties
  • Characterization of Nanoparticles
  • X- Ray Based Techniques
  • Scanning Based Microscope (SEM)
  • Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
  • UV Visible Spectroscopy
  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Advance Bio- Nanotechnology
  • 1-D systems. Functionalized nanoparticles for selective recognition of biomolecule
  • 2-D systems. Nanoscale model systems for targeted drug delivery Resource
  • 3-D systems. Microfluidics as a platform for advanced protein separation Resource
  • SDS PAGE protein separation
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Semicond. Nanostructures & Nanomaterials
  • Various Semiconducting Nanostructures
  • Importance of Semiconductor Nanomaterials in Electronic Industry
  • Silicon Nanostructures
  • Hybrid Silicon-Carbon Nanotubes
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nanostructures in Pharmaceuticals
  • Sculptured thin films
  • Quantum Heterostructures
  • Nanocomposites, Nanofabrics
  • Nanoshells, Nanocages
    Nanoflowers, Nanofoams
  • Nanotubes, Fullerenes
    Nanofibers, Nanomesh
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nanobiopharmaceuticals based Drug Delivery
  • Nanorobots, Micelles
    Microemulsions, Nanoliposomes
  • Modern analysis of Nanoporous materials
  • Nanodiamonds, Nanopolymers
  • Production technologies of Nanocrystals
  • Nanocrystals and Bio-availability
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nanotechnology for Drug delivery
  • Prodrug Approaches
  • Cell Targeting and Cell Penetrating Pepetides for Drug Delivery
  • Lipid Based Colloidal Nanodrug Delivery System
  • Nanobiotechnology based Transdermal Drug Delivery
  • Transcellular Route, Follicular Penetration
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Bio-Nano pharmaceutical Application
  • Applying Microfluidics to Life Science Nanotechnology
  • Microfluidic Devices and Nanotechnology for Infectious Disease Detection
  • Nanomaterials based Enzymes as Biosensors
  • Anti-biotin Sensing using LSPR Spectroscopy
  • Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Markers using the LSPR Nanosensor
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nanomedicine: Future of Disease Management
  • Clinical needs for Nanomedicine
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Current trends in the Clinical Translation of Nanomedicines
  • Nanosurgery
  • Drug and Vaccine delivery through Nanomedicine
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nanotechnology - Lab Procedure & Safety
  • 0-D systems: Laboratory Synthesis of Nanoparticles
  • Nanoparticles through Homogeneous Nucleation
  • 1-D systems: Laboratory Synthesis of Nanowires and Nanorods
  • 2-D systems: Laboratory Synthesis of Thin Films
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Kitchen waste to Carbon Nanomaterials
  • Common carbon nanomaterials
  • Carbon Nanostructures production methods from kitchen waste
  • Carbon nanoparticles
  •  Carbon dots, Biochar
  • Metal-carbon dot conjugates
  • Design of lead-free batteries
  • All carbon batteries, Sensors, Soil conditioners
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Digital Waste to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
  • Various types of E-wastes and their environmental effects
  • Metal-plastic composites
  • Recycling Technologies for Nanomaterials/ Synthesis of Nanomaterials from e-waste
  • Applications of Waste-Derived Nanoparticles
  • Ongoing Research, Scientists and grants
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Thermal Power Plant Waste to Rare Earth Elements
  • Thermal Power plant wastes and their environmental effects
  • Process to extract rare earth metals from Coal fly ashes
  • Nanotechnology as a defining moment for high-tech devices
  • Ongoing Research
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Zinc Smelter Waste to Iron and Zinc Nanoparticles
  • Waste produced during zinc smelting and its effect on environment
  • Various process for extraction of Zinc/Iron Nanoparticles from zinc smelting
  • How these nanoparticles can bring a revolution
  • Ongoing Research
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing
Nanotechnology in Optoelectronics
  • Fundamentals of Nanotechnology
  • Types of Nanomaterials used in Optoelectronics
  • Basic Concepts of Optoelectronics
  • Optoelectronics Market
  • Applications of Optoelectronics & Current Advancements
  • Project Report Submission/ Article Writing

Who all could be beneficiaries...

10th/12th Students

"The most well-known way individuals surrender their power is by figuring they don't have any choice." Most understudies will generally accept that they don't have numerous choices to browse after their twelfth tests. Regardless of whether they track down different choices, they have a befuddled outlook on "Which one should I go for?" or "What profession way is ideal for me?" In such a circumstance, there is a great deal of disarray that will in general enter the brain of the understudies. While most understudies imagine that a full-time degree is the best way to guarantee a decent profession, there are a few transient courses after twelfth that can give you the edge that you really want.

For Under Graduates

With a Nanoschool short course, you may learn about a subject without committing to a long term commitment. Choose courses that are relevant to your field of study. Choose a course that will help you acquire new abilities, explore a new passion, or provide professional growth in your current job.

From molecules to endless galaxies, learn about the fascinating topic of science and how it shapes the world around us and beyond. Our short courses are meant for novices, so you won't need any prior knowledge of science to take them. All you'll need is an open mind and a few hours every week to study them.

For Post Graduates

In today's world, a bachelor's degree is no longer sufficient to secure you the perfect career you've always wanted. With many career jobs requiring credentials beyond a bachelor's degree, graduates are sometimes torn between pursuing a full-time master's degree or switching to professional short-term courses to specialize in a certain subject. Short-term professional courses are a good option. Through Nanoschool, we provide a comprehensive list of the best short-term courses that you should know about!

Industry Professionals

Online short courses are one of many methods to enhance your skill set within a certain professional sector, and they're a terrific way to learn more about something you're interested in. A short course is simply a learning programme that allows interested individuals to obtain new information or increase their existing understanding of a certain topic. It is less extensive than a full-fledged degree programme.

Short courses and certificate programmes are available ranging from basic introductions to a topic through comprehensive overviews and technical trainings. By choosing the button below, you may explore online short courses in an area that interests you.

Program Overview


Introduction & Fundamentals
  • Get basic introduction and fundamental of the courses to be studied.

 1-2 chapters

1w reading time


Analysis & Applications
  • Learn all about the analysis & industrial applications.

1-2 chapter

1w reading time


Conclusions & Assessment
  • Test your knowledge by evaluating yourself through project & exam.

1-2 chapters

1w reading time


Unique Writing Tips for More Engaged Learning

Students will get another opportunity to publish their review paper written by them and evaluated by independent experts, after which it could be published in journals.

How to Enroll?

Step 01

Register on the Nanoschool site.

Step 02

Fill the application form and pay the fee (+registration fee) charges.

Step 03

You may make payment through online mode (Net banking- RTGS/ NEFT/ MPS, Paytm, UPI Id.

Step 04

Hurray! You Will Get Your Login Credential Within 48 Hrs.



₹ 10,000/-

₹ 7,999/-

OFFER VALID TILL 31st Mar 2024


Simple, basic features and instant access to amazing case studies, content & Assessment tests, Certificate, Publication Opportunity

Frequently asked questions

What will be offered during this course?

All participants will be provided:

An access to LMS content
5-6 Live/ recorded session
Nanotechnology Book set
Practical Kit (on demand)
Project Allotment  (Industrial)
Mark sheet and Certificate on completion of course.

How would I get Industrial Exposure?

NSTC, being a consultancy provider receive many queries from Industries regarding the product enhancement using nanotechnology , some part of which NSTC showcases to student to give them a real industrial query as a project work.
Hence, show them the real industry challenges in product development.

What kind of project I would be assigned?

Project to each participant will be assigned as per their discipline. As Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary subject, It is applicable in all domains.

What if I don't want practical kit?

No problem, you can even learn through study Kit (LMS, Books) and recorded lectures.

How will I make and Submit my project work?

Participants can submit their project work in form of Report of 20-30 pages or they may submit their work in form of an Article of 3-4 pages.
Participant can directly share their work - [email protected]

How can I write a scientific Article on my work?

Participants will be provided a format for article writing along with author guidelines. Our in-house expert will assist you throughout the tenure for article writing.

Who would help me to resolve query in self paced course?

In your LMS , you will also get access to CHAT BOX  where students can write their queries and It will be accessed equally by expert to resolve them.

Can I add more names in my Article?

Yes, you can add maximum 4 names in your article. But, publication certificate and training certificate will be received  by participant only.

Can I get any concession over fee?

For young enthusiastic learners we can definitely provide some scholarship on the group enrollment basis.

Course fee is quite un-affordable for me.

Dear Participant, if any other established Nanotechnology training company will provide you Application based training and knowledge with all deliverables in India, we will give this course in FREE of cost to you!


What is an online programme? And how does it differ from normal Distance Learning Programme?

An online programme is a next level distance learning programme in which the student is not required to come physically to a campus or a classroom regularly. He is required to study the interactive online study material through Internet at his own pace. Examinations are conducted at the end of program through online mode.

What extra edge does Nano School Club give me?

  • The programmes are self-paced and are offered online four times in a year (Mar, June, Sept and Dec.)
  • Interactive e-Learning Study Material (LMS) developed by specialists in the field is available to students online for anytime anywhere learning. 
  • Study Material in the form of e- Books .
  • Online presentations, videos and quizzes at the end of each chapter make the reading more interesting, engrossing and easy for self-assessment. Online Assignments, Quizzes Online Mentoring and Support, Chat Sessions, Discussion Forums.
  • Stamped Certification and Mark sheet from the Director of Nano Science and Technology Consortium.
  • Who will benefit from NSTC’s online programmes?

  • Students
  • Graduation / Post-graduation / PhD in any scientific discipline.
  • Those who are pursuing graduation in Science/ Engineering can also apply
  • Experienced professionals, academicians and researchers too are advised to join NSTC’s advanced E-Learning program
  • About SHort TerM COURSES

    How can I apply for an online programme?

  • You may download the application form from Nano School Club website
  • After filling the form with your complete details, attach all the required documents and send to us Scanned copy along with the program fee receipt. Do not forget to attach your passport size photograph
  • You may pay the program fee either by Cheque/Draft, Cash transfer or NEFT transfer
  • How much is the course fee?

    Short Term Program/ Course Fees is INR 3499/- , You may get the fee detail of other full term program from Nano School Club Website.

    Do I have to attend regular classes?

    No. You do not have to attend any classes. NSC’S programs are fully online. But you have to attend the interaction session with the guide/ mentor of your program which will happen once or twice in a week.


    I completed my course! Now what?

    Well done! You will have 90 days of read-only access to revisit and reflect on the course material.  

    Get your certificate: When you successfully complete an Online Course, you are eligible to receive a digital certificate of completion. We encourage you to review your instructor’s syllabus to understand the Certificate of Completion requirements for your course. These requirements often include the following:

    • Active participation in the majority of discussion boards
    • Timely submission of all assignments

    Most courses have 1-2 short written assignments, but it can vary and it is important for you to follow -up with your instructor early in the course should you have any questions or concerns regarding your eligibility or the requirements.  Certificates of Completion are delivered to the email used at the time of registration, and can be expected no later than 3 weeks after the course ends. These digital verified credentials allow you to present a trustworthy record of your learning to anyone at any time.  

    Our certificate platform, Accredible, permits you to share your achievement on various social media platforms, embed it on your website, and add it to your LinkedIn profile.

    Can I put my Online Course(s) toward a professional certificate or degree program?

    Online Courses are intended to deepen your knowledge of a particular field, but cannot be formally applied as credits to other institutions or be equated with the degree or Post graduate Programs.

    How Short Term Courses can boost my career options?

    Online Courses demonstrate to future employers that you have current knowledge of current world topics, provided by various centre of excellences in respective fields. These courses are been delivered by experienced faculty and professionals who mentor each student to give them real world knowledge. Including Online Courses on your resume, posting your Certificate of Completion to your online profiles such as LinkedIn, and staying connected with your classmates to network are powerful ways to continue leveraging your experience long after your course has ended.

    Drop us a line below

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