
Workshop Registration End Date :2024-09-17

Mentor Based

Deep Learning Architectures

Mastering Advanced Deep Learning Architectures for Cutting-Edge AI Research

Virtual (Google Meet)
Mentor Based
3 Days
Start Date
17 -September -2024
5:00 PM IST


This three-day workshop delves into advanced neural network architectures, including Residual Networks (ResNets), DenseNets, EfficientNet, NasNet, LSTM, GRUs, and Transformers. Participants will engage in hands-on sessions and case studies to understand the practical applications of these architectures.


To provide PhD scholars and academicians with advanced skills in designing and optimizing deep learning architectures. This course aims to enhance understanding of advanced neural networks, CNNs, and RNNs, focusing on their applications and optimization techniques.

Workshop Objectives

  • Master advanced neural network architectures.
  • Implement state-of-the-art CNN advancements.
  • Develop and optimize advanced RNN models.
  • Apply deep learning architectures to real-world problems.
  • Enhance research and practical implementation skills.

Workshop Structure

Day 1: Advanced Neural Networks

  • Lecture Topics:
    • Architectures beyond feedforward networks: Residual Networks (ResNets), DenseNets
    • Optimization techniques and activation functions
  • Discussion & Case Studies:
    • Research insights on optimizing deep networks
    • Interactive session on designing custom architectures

Day 2: Advanced Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

  • Lecture Topics:
    • Latest advancements in CNNs: EfficientNet, NasNet
    • Transfer learning and fine-tuning pre-trained models
  • Discussion & Case Studies:
    • Applications in medical imaging and autonomous vehicles
    • Practical implementation and best practices

Day 3: Advanced Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

  • Lecture Topics:
    • Beyond basic RNNs: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs)
    • Attention mechanisms and Transformers
  • Discussion & Case Studies:
    • Case studies in natural language generation and time-series forecasting
    • Hands-on session with sequential data

Participant’s Eligibility

Data scientists, machine learning engineers, AI researchers, and academicians in AI and machine learning.

Important Dates

Registration Ends

Indian Standard Timing 1:00 pm

Workshop Dates

2024-09-17 to 2024-09-19
Indian Standard Timing 5:00 PM

Workshop Outcomes

  • Design and optimize advanced neural network architectures.
  • Implement and fine-tune state-of-the-art CNN models.
  • Develop advanced RNN models with attention mechanisms.
  • Apply deep learning techniques to practical applications in various fields.
  • Conduct high-level research in deep learning and AI.

Mentor Profile

Fee Structure


INR. 1499
USD. 40

Ph.D. Scholar / Researcher

INR. 1999
USD. 45

Academician / Faculty

INR. 2999
USD. 50

Industry Professional

INR. 4999
USD. 75

We are excited to announce that we now accept payments in over 20 global currencies, in addition to USD. Check out our list to see if your preferred currency is supported. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of paying in your local currency!
List of Currencies


Contact Learner Support

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Key Takeaways

  • Access to Live Lectures
  • Access to Recorded Sessions
  • e-Certificate
  • Query Solving Post Workshop

Future Career Prospects

  • Deep Learning Engineer
  • AI Research Scientist
  • Data Scientist
  • Robotics Engineer
  • AI Consultant
  • Academic Researcher

Job Opportunities

  • Tech companies
  • Research institutions
  • Universities
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Automotive industry
  • Financial services

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Centre of Excellence
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Networking and Learning
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Hall of Fame
Get your groundbreaking work considered for publication in a prestigious Open Access Journal (worth ₹20,000/USD 1,000).

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Sharmila Meinam : 2024-09-24 at 11:52 am

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