Workshop Registration End Date :2024-11-20

Mentor Based

Advanced AI Techniques in Neural Information Processing for Professors and Researchers

Master Advanced AI Techniques and Drive Innovation with Cutting-Edge Neural Networks

Virtual (Google Meet)
Mentor Based
3 Days
Start Date
20 – Nov – 24


This workshop is designed to cover the latest advancements in AI techniques presented at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Conference. Participants will delve deep into neural architectures, large-scale AI model optimization, and interdisciplinary AI applications in healthcare, climate science, education, and ethical AI. Hands-on sessions will focus on building and fine-tuning AI models such as transformers and graph neural networks, preparing participants for cutting-edge AI research and its practical implementation.


To empower PhD scholars and academicians with advanced AI techniques used in neural information processing systems, equipping them with the knowledge of state-of-the-art neural architectures, optimization techniques, and real-world applications in AI-driven societal impact research. This workshop focuses on cutting-edge AI models, implementation strategies, and emerging trends in AI research.

Workshop Objectives

  • Understand key trends and breakthroughs in AI research from NeurIPS.
  • Gain deep insights into neural network architectures and optimization techniques.
  • Learn to apply AI for societal impact in fields like healthcare, climate science, and education.
  • Hands-on experience in building and optimizing advanced AI models.
  • Explore future directions in AI research, including quantum AI and AI safety.

Workshop Structure

Day 1:
Part 1: Introduction to Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) and AI Research (15 mins)

  • Overview of the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Conference
  • History and significance of NeurIPS in AI research
  • Key themes and breakthroughs from recent conferences
  • Highlighting seminal papers and transformative ideas in AI
  • Importance of NeurIPS in Academic Research:
  • Impact of NeurIPS on shaping future AI research directions
  • How to leverage NeurIPS research for academic projects, publications, and teaching
  • Learning Objective:

Understand the importance of NeurIPS in shaping AI research and its implications for academic teaching and publication.
Part 2: Deep Dive into Neural Network Architectures (25 mins)

  • Exploring State-of-the-Art Architectures:
  • Transformers and Attention Mechanisms:
  • Introduction to transformer architectures and their role in NLP and beyond
  • Case study: How transformers like BERT and GPT have transformed language processing
  • Graph Neural Networks (GNNs):
  • Understanding GNNs and their applications in complex data structures (social networks, molecules, etc.)
  • Examples of GNNs in scientific research and data modeling
  • Capsule Networks (CapsNets):
  • Capsule networks’ promise over traditional CNNs for hierarchical data
  • Recent developments and research applications of CapsNets
  • Research Insights and Case Studies:
  • Papers from NeurIPS highlighting novel neural architectures
  • How these architectures are applied in academic research
  • Learning Objective:

Develop an in-depth understanding of advanced neural network architectures and their applications in cutting-edge AI research.
Day 2:
Part 3: Optimization Techniques for Large-Scale AI Models (20 mins)

  • Advanced Optimization Strategies:
  • Adaptive Gradient Methods:
  • Exploration of Adam, AdaGrad, and RMSProp in enhancing model performance
  • Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LARS):
  • Optimizing training for large-scale AI models with LARS
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD):
  • Innovations in SGD and its efficiency in handling deep learning models
  • Regularization and Generalization:
  • Advanced regularization techniques (Dropout, Batch Normalization)
  • Ensuring generalizability of AI models in academic research
  • Practical Insights from NeurIPS:
  • Case studies on optimizing models for large datasets and computational efficiency
  • How these optimization methods are revolutionizing AI research at scale
  • Learning Objective:

Equip participants with advanced optimization techniques to enhance the performance and scalability of neural network models in academic settings.
Part 4: AI for Societal Impact and Interdisciplinary Research (20 mins)

  • Real-World Applications of AI in Scientific Research:
  • AI in Healthcare:
  • Predictive analytics, diagnostics, and treatment personalization using AI
  • Examples of AI models detecting diseases (cancer, Alzheimer’s) from NeurIPS papers
  • Climate Science and Environmental Research:
  • Use of AI in climate modeling and environmental conservation
  • Case study: AI in monitoring and predicting extreme weather events
  • AI in Education:
  • Enhancing learning through AI-based adaptive learning systems
  • AI for educational content generation and student assessment
  • AI Ethics and Responsible Research:
  • Addressing bias, fairness, and transparency in AI models
  • How to integrate ethical considerations into AI research
  • Papers and discussions on ethics from NeurIPS
  • Learning Objective:

Learn how AI techniques can be applied to drive interdisciplinary research and solve global challenges, with an emphasis on ethical considerations.
Day 3:
Part 5: Hands-on Demonstration: Implementing Cutting-Edge AI Models (30 mins)

  • Step-by-Step Implementation of Transformer Models:
  • Building a transformer-based model for NLP tasks using Python and PyTorch/TensorFlow
  • Fine-tuning pre-trained transformer models (e.g., BERT, GPT-3)
  • Hands-on example: Sentiment analysis using a transformer model
  • Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for Research Applications:
  • Introduction to building a GNN for graph-based data (e.g., chemical compounds, social networks)
  • Coding example: Node classification with GNNs using PyTorch Geometric
  • Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning:
  • Techniques for tuning hyperparameters for optimal model performance
  • Evaluating models in terms of accuracy, F1 score, and robustness
  • Learning Objective:

Equip participants with hands-on experience in implementing and fine-tuning advanced AI models for research purposes.
Part 6: Future Directions in AI Research (20 mins)

  • Exploring Emerging Trends in AI and Machine Learning:
  • AI safety and robustness: Techniques for building safe and secure AI systems
  • Interpretability and explainability: Understanding black-box models through interpretability techniques
  • Reinforcement learning and decision-making: Advancements in autonomous systems
  • Preparing for Quantum AI and Next-Gen Technologies:
  • Introduction to quantum computing and its potential in AI research
  • How AI researchers and professors can prepare for upcoming advancements in quantum AI
  • Actionable Steps for AI Researchers:
  • Publishing in top AI journals and conferences
  • How to stay updated with NeurIPS and other top AI research conferences
  • Networking with the AI research community through academic events and collaborative projects
  • Learning Objective:

Identify the next big areas of AI research and understand how to prepare for advancements in quantum AI, interpretability, and reinforcement learning.

Participant’s Eligibility

AI researchers, data scientists, academic professors, PhD scholars, and professionals in the field of neural information processing systems and AI research.

Important Dates

Registration Ends

Indian Standard Timing 1:00 pm

Workshop Dates

2024-11-20 to 2024-11-22
Indian Standard Timing 5 PM

Workshop Outcomes

  • Mastery of neural network architectures like transformers, GNNs, and CapsNets.
  • Hands-on experience in optimizing large-scale AI models.
  • Practical application of AI in healthcare, climate science, and education.
  • Skills to address ethical concerns in AI models.
  • In-depth understanding of the future trends in AI research and quantum AI.

Mentor Profile

lavleeen jpg
Designation: Professor

Dr. Lovleen Gaur is a Professor, Amity University, Deactivatedida, India, Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science, Taylor’s University, Malaysia and Adjunct Professor, Graduate Business School, University of the South Pacific, Fiji. She has received a Ph.D. in computer application from Jodhpur National University in 2011. Then worked as an Professor at three major National/ International Universities of repute. She is having total approx 19 Years of Experience in the field of advanced-era specialized courses, including Predictive Analytics, Data Visualization, Social Network Analytics, Deep Learning, Power BI, Digital Marketing and Digital InDeactivatedvation. Her Area of Expertise includes: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Internet of Things, Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. She has introduced courses related to the Artificial Intelligence specialization including, Predictive Analytics, Deep and Reinforcement learning etc. To date, she is the author of 33 research articles published in peer reviewed international Journals, author of 17 Book, 28 Conference Papers, and 29 Book Chapters etc.

Fee Structure


INR. 1499
USD. 40

Ph.D. Scholar / Researcher

INR. 1999
USD. 45

Academician / Faculty

INR. 2999
USD. 50

Industry Professional

INR. 4999
USD. 75

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  • Access to Live Lectures
  • Access to Recorded Sessions
  • e-Certificate
  • Query Solving Post Workshop

Future Career Prospects

  • AI Research Scientist
  • Data Scientist
  • AI Ethics Consultant
  • NLP Specialist
  • Academic Professor in AI/ML
  • AI Research and Development Lead

Job Opportunities

  • AI-driven research organizations
  • Academic institutions and think tanks
  • Tech companies focusing on advanced AI systems
  • Healthcare institutions using AI for medical research
  • Climate science and environmental agencies
  • AI ethics and governance consultancy firms

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a bit difficult to understand

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the workshop was very good, thank you very much

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